Big Motorhome Sales Blocked in 6 States

2 months ago

Big motorhome sales banned in California and five other states, effective Jan 1, 2025!

Under Section 177 the federal Clean Air Act that regulates air emissions,

California and the five other states following that ACT regulation have not exempted RVs and,
in fact, will halt the sales of most motorhomes manufactured after January 1, 2025.

Homepage | California Air Resources Board

Standards & Regulations - RVIA

Advanced Clean Trucks

California and the five other states that have signed on to the same clean air regulations haven’t made a secret of this at all.

The Advanced Clean Truck Regulation has been out there for over a year now.

The other states that have adopted it are Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey.

California and five other states have a controversial regulation in place that will effectively ban the sale of most large motorhomes starting January 1, 2025.

How could this happen?

The RV Industry is reeling this week as California and five other clean air states are about to ban the sale of motorhomes with a gross vehicle weight (GVWR) of over 8,500 pounds.

This includes most motorhomes.

The average weight range for a Class C RV is 10,000–12,000 lbs.

The range for a Super C Motorhome is 19,500 lbs and up

The average GVWR of a Class A motorhome typically ranges from 13,000 to 30,000 lbs

Class B motorhomes – campervans – typically weigh 6,000- 8,000 pounds GVWR and thus won't be affected.

This ban affecting the larger motorhomes will be effective Jan 1, 2025, and it’s a story that has caught everyone by surprise. It came to widespread attention just a few days ago when a letter sent by Newmar RV to its dealers in the affected states came to light, telling them of the coming sales ban.

Now the reason this has shocked the industry is because, frankly, the industry really expected an exemption from a program that seems aimed at big diesel trucks that are driven around the clock, not low mileage recreation vehicles that typically drive 3,000-5,000 miles a year.

Their reasoning is sound. It seems pretty cut and dry.

But several industry leaders he talked to in preparing this special report felt much more should have been done and that perhaps there was a complacency and lack of urgency in dealing with this.

original link on RV Lifestyle

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