Why Louisiana's new redfish bag limit is AWFUL! | Facts & Ideas from an experienced inshore angler

1 month ago

On June 20th, 2024 the redfish bag limit was lowered based upon changes to Louisiana's coast and, by extension, the redfish population.

This has some people up in arms, while others are just doing a quick search to see what the heck is going on.

Well, I'm no journalist or pro writer. Nope! I'm just a guy who has spent entirely too much time fishing Louisiana's coast, has a few facts about the new redfish creel limit as well as an opinion (or two) based upon my inshore fishing experience.

Watch this video and you may get a new insight that's different from the same ol' thing being regurgitated on social media.

I'll begin by defining the new creel limit set forth by Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries (LDWF) and answer some questions that have come up since changing the redfish limit became an issue in the first place:

What is the new creel limit for redfish?
How is this different from the old creel limit?
Why was this change made?
But aren't people catching a bunch of redfish?
Aren't pogey boats & bowfishing responsible?
Can the redfish make a comeback?
And more...


Learn how to find redfish from scratch: https://www.lafbelite.com/join-lafb-elite/

Learn how I sight fish redfish: https://www.lafishblog.com/sfms/


Use code RB30 to get 30% off on LAFB Elite. Learn more here: https://www.lafbelite.com/join

Elite Fishing Adventures: 504-415-5261

2022 Red Drum Stock Assessment: https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/assets/Resources/Publications/Stock_Assesments/Red_Drum/Red_drum_LA_Assessment_2022.pdf

The Freshening: https://www.lafishblog.com/freshening/

My article on those pogey boats: https://www.lafishblog.com/menhaden-reduction/

The Saltening: https://www.lafishblog.com/saltening/

Red Drum Management Scenarios: https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/assets/Fishing/Recreational_Fishing/Files/Red_drum_2022_projections.pdf

December 2022 Presentation to LWF Commission: https://youtu.be/jyeIBfCrp2k

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