Conquer Article I Court Fraud!

2 months ago

You would be the perfect person @laralogan to expose how the J6-ers DO NOT HAVE RIGHTS in those proceedings and courts.

They hired BAR CARD attorneys to RE-PRESENT them in Article I statutory ADMINISTRATIVE courts.

1. A BAR CARD attorney can ONLY represent LEGAL ENTITIES. Just ask them! @FmrRepMattGaetz

2. Only LEGAL ENTITIES can enter Article I Administrative courts. Just ask the attorneys!

3. LEGAL ENTITIES have no rights in Article I courts.
Just ask the judges! @RenzTom

4. FBI agents who crafted the NARRATIVES (CNN level) that became the warrants and indictments, knew they created UNLAWFUL documents.

5. What happened was not ILLEGAL because...the defendants all CONSENTED to it via the contracts giving power of attorney to the BAR CARD attorneys.
Just ask them!

6. ILLEGAL is only what you agree to. So you can't say what happened to them is ILLEGAL.

7. What happened to them all is UNLAWFUL because the contract lacked full disclosure of the terms, that they were WAIVING THEIR RIGHTS. 💣

8. The FBI, the Courts, the magistrates are all private corporations and as per the Clearfield Doctrine, require a contract TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU which they get, via the attorney contract, and you will see in all the documents two odd things:

a. All the defendants are JOHN Q. SMITH.
b. All the government employees involved in the paperwork are named JOHN Q. SMITH.
c. Both names are LEGAL ENTITIES.
d. ALL government characters use a middle initial to remove liability from their oath.

7. The root cause of all of this is the lack of full disclosure (on purpose) that the entire American LEGAL system is REPUGNANT to the Constitution.

To fix this, get to the root cause.
The lack of disclosure.

Laura you spoke of 1st, 4th, & 6th rights violations this morning on RAV, but the big one you missed, the BIG ENCHILADA...

Is that the Bill of Rights GUARANTEES you a 7th Amendment right to a COMMON LAW JURY.

These courts do not provide COMMON LAW JURIES.
Only statutory juries which means rules, codes, statutes, procedures.


If any of these cases had a jury, it was not a COMMON LAW jury.

The root cause is that by hiring a BAR CARD AGENT OF THE STATE, you waive your rights.

The root cause is that private rights, the Bill of Rights, only exists in Article III Common Law courts.

When the court cannot offer a 7th Amendment COMMON LAW JURY that ends the case in the favor of the accused.

Watch this video.
You should have Scott on your shows to tackle this.

Scott is a law school grad who chose not to join the evil bar because there are no private rights when you hold a BAR CARD.

Just ask them!

8. The Supreme Court in Jarkesy reaffirmed that actions involving private rights, such as common-law fraud, must be heard by an Article III court:

"Congress cannot 'conjure away the Seventh Amendment by mandating that traditional legal claims be... taken to an administrative tribunal." SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024)

9. Bruen Case: Govt wants to enforce something they have to prove it was in alignment with our nations’s history.

The Inalienable University is challenging the status quo of the fraud of the American Legal System of fraud and rights violations.


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