The Kindness of Strangers

1 month ago

It’s that time of year again, where this household turns into a modern-day Blanche DuBois, and depends on the kindness of you strangers out there on the interwebs.

Kindness, charity, generosity…

These are all keywords I’m using in the hopes the algorithm here (which is the worst algorithm in the world) doesn’t bury this post, like it buries so many others.

(Because, again: worst algorithm, ever.)

Girl Scout cookies are delicious, not nutritious, but who cares about health?

Live a little as you eat yourself to death.

OR, as stated, order up from anywhere in the world, and donate some kindness to children currently staying at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital.

(Technically, I think they give the cookies to the local Ronald McDonald house, where the families stay. But still… Good deeds.)

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