OS - Kumander Linux 2.0 Bulalo

1 day ago

Kumander Linux version 2.0 is out now. It is code name Bulalo. It is officially out on New Year's Eve. And it is awesomely stable. As soon as I have it from my inbox that it was already out. Just as my vacation coming to an end and also tried to download and as soon as I have time, I tried it and make a video as soooonn.

To download the ISO file of Kumander Linux 2.0 Bulalo
go to kumander.org
and use a virtual machine to test it or install it in your old laptop, desktop or any AMD or Intel computer.

The system requirement is so minimum.
Single core processor with 1 ghz
RAM 2gb & HDD 8gb

NOTE: if you have higher and modern it will work awesomely good.

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