Article 5215 Video - International Public Notice: The Whirlwind By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5215 Video - International Public Notice: The Whirlwind - Monday, January 13, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

We, the actual, factual States of the Union and the People thereof, hereby claim and demand immediate ownership control of all US Municipal Corporations and all British Territorial Corporations, together with their franchises and agencies.

These organizations stand forfeit as a result of their own unlawful and criminal activities, their long-standing debts, and their failure to perform and provide good faith service.

The Cause for this claim made by the presumed Donors and Underwriters has been fully disclosed to the High Courts of the world and has already been adjudicated in our favor with respect to the Municipal Corporation assets which must be returned for the benefit of the Survivors. We now require universal understanding and acceptance of our actions and orders with respect to the Territorial Corporations and their operations on our shores.

We require and order the corporation officers, both Municipal and Territorial, to stand down from all activities in any way detrimental to our assets and welfare, and we forbid all such detrimental activities by all employees and volunteers, both military and civilian.

Any corporation or corporate officer caught creating any danger to our public or making any product that is harmful to our public, or testing any product or technology or process in a way that is harmful to our public, will be deemed a rogue business entity subject to immediate dissolution and/or a rogue individual subject to immediate arrest and prosecution.

Here is an example of long-term damage done to our country by these rogue corporations and their reckless malfeasance:

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