With Dr. David Wurmser, Elizabeth Yore & Bill Walton

1 month ago

Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy

Dr. David Wurmser and I discussed what the Biden legacy is going to be in foreign policy. And it ain't what he's talking about at the State Department today, that's for sure. But one particularly unsavory aspect of it is the systematic betrayal, albeit stealthily, of Israel by Biden and company and the more dangerous Middle East that has resulted from that misbegotten policy and the effort to embrace, empower, and embolden Iran in which this president has engaged assiduously.

Elizabeth Yore, Founder of Yore Children

We visited with Liz Yore about the curious case of Pope Francis, a man who has been rewarded for his, well, radical left leanings by Joe Biden with the nation's highest civilian award, the Medal of Freedom with distinction, no less. Right up there with George Soros and Hillary Clinton.

We also talked about Cardinal McIlroy new choice for the Pope's emissary in the Washington DC area. A man deeply hostile to Donald Trump and apparently determined to gig him at every turn over the policies of trying to deport illegal aliens and prevent war from coming. Finally, we talked about how the Pope has stacked the deck on the selection of his successor. And that does not bode well for the papacy or Catholics, particularly in this country.

Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show

I visited with Bill Walton about what is going on with Chinese bonds and what does the precipitous decline in the interest they bear say about the state of the Chinese financial sector and economy more generally and in particular what if anything does it tell us about the likelihood of Xi Jinping feeling so imperiled that he may choose to pull the ripcord and start a shooting war, perhaps including with us. We also talked about Alejandro Mayorkas's lying about the border being more secure than when Donald Trump was running things, an outrageous and it seems to me indictable bit of gaslighting.

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