Practical Child Training PART 2

1 month ago

Second except from the 1917 book written for parents about the 'raising' of children is full of surprising nuggets. In this one I find it fascinating that a point is made that children appreciate nature - not for the practical/end of world stuff we see today - but to instill a sense of wonder. It is this wonder that compels us to honour and care for things. It also speaks of how children should not be encouraged to do things on a reward/punishment system but because they have an innate curiosity to do so, and this comes through.... imagination.

Part one is earlier in on the channel!

I shall be exploring this topic via the Practical Child Training Volume in the next few weeks. If interested please pay attention to my Substack Notes, Twitter, or Rumble Channel. (You Tube Channel in progress!). I shall create a compilation for a long form post once through whole book!

Twitter: SunriseDances
Substack: DeemingDreaming


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