The great and terrible day

1 month ago

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The great and terrible day

11th of January 2025 02.07
Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

I Am That I Am are laughing. Who can threaten Me?

The kings on the Earth say in their hearts let's break the boundaries of our Creator.

The great and terrible day will soon take place.

It will be great for My Remnants because I have seen what your enemies have done to You.

I will restore everything to You and I will heal You and suddenlies are coming.

The golden age, the increase of My glory will be evident and no one will say that I do not exist.

My Kingdom Glory will be above any imagination.

The terrible day will take your enemies by surprise because they are so confident in their own power so they shall not see what will hit them just like the pharaohs of old.

The lies, attacks and deceptions will increase because your enemies are screaming of fear.

They know that their time is short.

Be a sheep nation. To be a sheep nation is the way you are treating My Israel.

My Israel is first born. If you bless Her then you shall be blessed. If you curse Her then you shall be cursed.

My David, Donald J Trump, the world shall see that I have chosen you for such as this.

My chosen David I will lead your steps into your inauguration. You will be filled with My Ruach Hakodesh, the Holy Spirit as My prophets have spoken.

Oh America, I Am with You in this hour. Your nation shall be free and I Am releasing more Eagles in this hour.

Oh nations of the Earth listen to My Son Yeshua Hamasiach. I Am releasing the fear of God in this hour.

My promises are given and My promises shall be fulfilled.

Malachi 4:1-5
Pr. 15:33
Num. 24:9
Rev. 12:12

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