Scott Jennings exposes who’s Really Fueling Division over LA Wildfires

1 month ago

CNN Panelist Squirms as Scott Jennings Exposes Who’s Really Fueling Division Over LA Wildfires. John Avlon never saw this coming.
AVLON: “I think also in this environment right now, where immediately there’s disinformation flowing through social media networks that cleaves down partisan lines, that is stopping our ability to be united. And we should not just accept that as inevitable. That is weakening our ability to unite as a nation and as cities.”
Scott Jennings: “Let me answer your criticism by asking you a question. Do you think it was uniting or dividing while in the midst of these fires for the Democrats to go to Sacramento and, in an emergency session, vote to appropriate $50 million to ‘Trump-proof’ California, to sue the Trump administration, which hasn’t even taken office yet? Do you think that was a good priority and a good time to do that, or no? Was that dividing, was that divisive, or was that uniting?”
AVLON: (Gives up) “I’m not going to go take that, you know, bait because I don’t know the details of that particular [story].”

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