1 month ago

THE LOST CENTURY tells many stories about inventors who have either had their work taken, destroyed, or buried by government types (FBI, and others). This is all backed up by official documents, news reports, and / or testimonies. The stories are shocking, dating back to the 1920s-80s and even more recently.

The common thread is that the inventions were all machines that could either save or produce huge amounts of energy without wasting or costing very much at all. One can see why the government and oil, coal, and gas industries would not want such devices to be popular, since they ran on alternative sources of energy. Even water!

There is mention of global warming and other environmental issues, but it's not just the big oil companies etcetera, that are hammered. Solar and wind do not get a pass. They are just as useless as the rest, another industry to make enormous profits, while missing the point. We are in deep trouble, and only something revolutionary will save us.

In light of recent governmental revelations on the subject, UFOs and extraterrestrial technology are also discussed, as well as possible hope for a brighter future. A well-presented documentary with tons of information...

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