Heal Your Hidden Trauma Wounds ...

30 days ago

Did you know that unresolved trauma blocks you from getting the life you want?

The more suppressed trauma you carry in your body, the more shame, anger, resentment, fear, stress, overwhelm you feel.

Eventually, this trauma energy creates the perfect storm.

It will show up as a major health or nervous breakdown, a business failure, an accident or personal heartbreak.

Now, it is good to remember that everything happens FOR you.
Life doesn’t happen TO you and the more trauma energy you release, the more of YOU, you get to enjoy.

Trauma energy is foreign energy taking up space inside your body, and creates friction, like a splinter in your finger.

Your body will create inflammation to expel the splinter, if you don’t pull it out with a tweezer.

Eventually the infection will burst, and the splinter pops out (along with a whole lot of messy stuff).

My mission has always been to delete and dissolve as much trauma as possible for my clients.

But people often don’t come to me saying: Hey, I have unresolved childhood trauma and I need you to clear it!

No, they usually seek help because they have an addictive pattern, their spouse is about to divorce them, they have a serious health challenge, or their stress and overwhelm is getting out of control.

Perhaps their normal coping mechanisms don’t work anymore and now they are ready for something else.

When I ask them about childhood trauma they often go into denial.

They say: That’s not me. OR:

To read Grada's Blog in full go to ... https://gradarobertson.com/heal-your-hidden-trauma-wounds/

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