BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 1/14/2025 Lawful Defense & 5 USA Critical Documents

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9am John Tatar - Lawful Defense Tatar Tuesday with John Tater. Studying the Constitution. Know the law and use the law - using the law to defend yourself. All things Constitution and Lawful Process. Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar

10am GR Mobley - Five Critical Documents as it relates to their place in history and what happened to cause Jefferson and Madison to use their influence to lead in a coup to take back America. Madison’s speaks out to how and why interposition is the only way…

G.R. Mobley Retired from the Marine Corps in 1998 who has worked and served in the Intelligence Community, either as a Marine, a discipline leader, or as an engineering leader for over 35 years. He has been a life-long self-educator and student of our founding documents. He has committed much of his life to public service and leadership in one form or another and hosts a national radio show on Red State Talk Radio called “Reclaiming the Republic.” G. R. has turned his focus into scouring historical references and source documents of the birth of the Republic, to bring to light relevant information regarding our hybrid Constitutional Republic that has been obfuscated by nationalist, those who label themselves as conservative as well as the secular progressives for the past two centuries. G.R. has identified that the necessary power has always resided with the sovereign’s (i.e. the People and the governments instituted by the People) to save our Constitution. His writings and his message will convince reasonable people that the Constitution and the Republic can be saved if the We the People and their County and State governments will only assert their authority within the Republic. The ONLY way we will be able to succeed in doing this is by following the standard the framers set by putting aside our differences and our self-interests and focus on full compliance to the Constitution(s).

Guests: Donna Brandenburg, John Tatar, GR Mobley

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