FBI Director Christopher Wray on the Threat of China's Cyber Program

1 month ago

01/12/2025 FBI Director Christopher Wray: China's cyber program is by far in a way the world's largest, bigger than that of every major nation combined, and has stolen more of Americans' personal and corporate data than that of every nation, big or small, combined. But beyond the cyber theft, the Chinese government's prepositioning on American civilian critical infrastructure to lie in wait on those networks, and can inflict real-world harm at a time and place of their choosing.
#ccp #cyberthreat #cyberattack #infrastructure #NationalSecurity
01/12/2025 美国联邦调查局局长克里斯托弗‧雷:中共的网络攻击计划规模无疑是世界上最大的,超过所有主要国家的总和。中共窃取的美国人个资和公司数据比全球大大小小国家加起来还要多。但除了网络盗窃,中共政府还在美国民用关键基础设施上进行预先部署,潜伏在这些网络中,以便能在其选择的时间和地点发起攻击,对现实世界造成伤害。
#中共 #网络威胁 #网络攻击 #基础设施 #国家安全

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