Caravaneer pt. 7--Desert Patrol, $100,000 and Joseph Berg

14 days ago

In this video I start out in Verdammter Platz, exploring the town and continuing to increase the size of my caravan with a horse and metal carts. And finally the story starts moving along more, as I meet John Sheppard, in charge of the Desert Patrol.

Unfortunately, around halfway through my video my microphone stopped working. I included this section of video anyway. In it, you can see that I returned to Caganel and then Drushlak. I find that the alcohol trade is particularly lucrative, and I ended up passing $100,000 for the first time in the game. Soon I met Joseph Berg, who had previously been a robber, and may be willing to tell me where the robbers in the region are based. However, after offering him money for the information, up to $20,000, he still refused.

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