kale is not good for you dummy

1 month ago

Kale...The Salad Bar Garnish That Faked It's Way To Superfood Status.

"The American Kale Association" Looks Legitimate, But Looks Are Deceiving, It Was All Made Up.

Kale Belongs As A Salad Bar Garnish, Not In Your Mouth.

PR Agent Obren Sinclair, thought it would be fun to see if she could make kale famous. Make Merchandise, make up a fake "American Kale Association" to give the toxic greenery some clout, get A-List famous performers to sing Kale's praises. And it worked, the masses bought into the "kale club."

Kale Is Actually One Of The Most Contaminated & Harmful Plants In Restaurants & Grocery Stores.

Isothiocyanates: A Goitrogen that inhibits Iodine absorption. Blocks the iodination of thyroglobulin, suppresses thyroid peroxidase activity, increases TSH & causes an increase in thyroid symptoms.

Raffinose: is indigestible causing severe GI distress. Humans lack the enzyme to digest raffinose, so it passes into the large intestine where bacteria ferment it, producing severe painful symptoms.

Heavy Metals: Kale is a hyperaccumulator of Thallium, Cadmium, Cesium, Nickel, Lead, Aluminum & Arsenic

Pesticides: 80% more pesticide residue than any other vegetable or fruit. Some samples contained 18 pesticides including Dacthal, banned in Europe since 2009.

PFAs: Kale contains shocking levels of forever chemicals, even in certified organic samples. Highly carcinogenic & accumulative in the human system.

👇Thallium In Vegetables👇
👇Goitrogenic Isothiocyanates👇
👇Pesticides On Kale👇

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