MSM: Turiztanne rara y nuevos disfraces (El rondó del patrimonio)

25 days ago

Rare touriztanne's Bio:
knowing that the camera that it holds is too big for the selfie stick, rare touriztannes changed the role of the selfie sticks to simply "sticks that help for the musical habilities" a rare touristanne covers its head with a hat of a new material that collaborates with the hydration for marine monsters in the other side of the surface, the same hat used for various types of touriztannes.
Bio de turiztanne rara:
Bio: knowing that the camera that it holds is too big for the selfie stick, rare touriztannes changed the role of the selfie sticks to simply "sticks that help for the musical habilities" a rare touristanne covers its head with a hat of a new material that collaborates with the hydration for marine monsters in the other side of the surface, the same hat used for various types of touriztannes.
Bio de turiztanne rara:
sabendo que a câmera que ele segura é grande demais para o bastão de selfie, os turiztannes raros mudaram o papel dos bastões de selfie para simplesmente "bastões que ajudam nas habilidades musicais" o turiztanne rara cobre a cabeça com um chapéu de um novo material que colabora com a hidratação dos monstros marinhos do outro lado da superfície, o mesmo chapéu utilizado para vários tipos de turiztannes.

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