the religon of transgenderism

1 month ago

transgenders will be the first ones to admit how much they hate christianity for not confirming their delusion, in the twisted minds of these individiuals they belive christianity created the social construct that their are only 2 genders and that if they remove christianity from both their lives and the public they can be free to live their delusion.
but it is insanely hypocritical how transgenders belive this whilst adhering to a religon of their own, just like a christian transgenders belive in something that is'nt biologically our naturally possible, that is that they can be a different gender.
and just like a muslim taking the shada in a mosque transgenders belive that if they utter the words 'Iam a man' our 'Iam a woman' then they magically become those things.
as religon is all about beleif, if you take a shada in a mosque to become a muslim you have to belive in allah, if you don't then your just saying random words in arabic that don't really mean anything.
if you drink the sacramental wine in church you have to belive its the blood of jesus our you're just drinkinh wine.
the same is true with transgenderism, the tranny has to belive their delusion that their the opposite gender even know their not and they can never be, and in that way transgenderism is exactly like a religon

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