Let's Build A Gaming PC Part 3!

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Components Used to Build this PC:

Unfortunately it looks like the power supply failed after only running for a few minutes! Stay tuned for part 3 to see the system up and running.

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-core Processor https://amzn.to/3DLZkuJ
Gigabyte X570 AORUS Elite Motherboard https://amzn.to/4jbtBDy
ASUS TUF Gaming B550-PLUS Motherboard (alternate in stock) https://amzn.to/3C0FrQa
Cooler Master MasterLiquid 360L https://amzn.to/4joM6of
Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 32GB (2x16GB) 3600MHz Memory https://amzn.to/4hclYLn
SABRENT 1TB Rocket 4 Plus NVMe 4.0 Gen4 PCIe M.2 SSD https://amzn.to/4fQCmQj
CORSAIR 4000D AIRFLOW https://amzn.to/40u545n
CORSAIR RM750x Power Supply https://amzn.to/40e4IhR

Marc D with a C on YouTube is for adults and devoted to nostalgia for 1960s, 70s, & 80s pop culture with an occasional detour into talking food & BBQ. Note: This channel is not for children. No child should watch the content on this channel without direct, adult supervision.

Disclaimer: Some links used are Amazon affiliate links. I get a small commission on any sales which helps support the channel.

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Thanks to My Patrons!
Shooter, Brian Hepburn, RobAltis, Michael Beacom, Larry Larry

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