Why Don’t’ We Listen To The Moms?

2 months ago

Why don’t we trust Mothers and believe doctors above Moms. A mother knows her child best, yet when a mom says her child was perfectly healthy before a vaccine and then wasn’t after vaccination, we dismiss her statement. Why, because she doesn’t wear a white coat? What could she possible have to gain by lying? Would it not make sense that she is warning others of the danger.

An interesting observation made by Candace that the more money people had the less they vaccinated their kids. What do they know that others don’t.

Mama Bears urge all parents to please stop blindly trusting the medical establishment and research before you allow your child to be injected with anything. Please visit our website https://mamabearsproject.com/regular-vaccines/ to be directed to numerous sources of information so you can make an informed decision.

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