Terror Wave Coming for Trump? | Behind the Deep State

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Terrorism as a tactic is very useful for totalitarians seeking more power and as such, it's no surprise that the Deep State and its minions such as Joe Biden would allow or even impose policies that encourage terror, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Trump has been loudly warning about a possible coming wave of terror, too. From the Western establishment to the Soviet Union, encouraging Islamic extremism has been a deliberate policy, as admitted in official documents and sworn statements. This even applies to al Qaeda and ISIS, warn Newman and Trump. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has left the U.S.-Mexico border wide open, knowing full well that jihadists and others would be flowing across it to cause harm to America. And now, the incoming Trump administration is going to be put in a bad situation trying to deal with it, potentially destabilizing the United States and complicating his efforts to Make America Great Again. Joining the program in the second half is terrorism and jihad expert Tom Trento, the director of The United West. He highlights, among other problems, the "Red Green Axis," an alliance between Marxists and Islamists with the West as their common enemy. 

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