Refining the Bitcoin Adoption Curve

1 month ago

Porkopolis Economics: Episode 172

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Porkopolis Economics covers macroeconomics, money, and sports from the creator of the Crypto Voices podcast, Matthew Mezinskis.

This episode is a clip from Matthew's first-ever livestream. He refines his analysis of Bitcoin’s long-term price trend, introducing a new approach to modeling its adoption and price behavior over time. By transitioning from a fixed all-time trendline to an evolving trendline, he highlights the nuances of Bitcoin's rapid growth in its early years and its stabilization in recent times. This fresh perspective addresses the limitations of older models, offering more accurate percentile bands and multiples for analyzing Bitcoin's historical and future price behavior. Matthew provides an in-depth explanation of how these changes better reflect Bitcoin’s dynamic adoption curve and statistical probabilities.

00:00:11 - Analyzing Bitcoin's Adoption Curve and Deviations
00:03:10 - Charting the Unpredictable Bitcoin Future
00:03:52 - Consistent Power Curve Regression
00:04:12 - Modeling Bitcoin's Price Trajectory
00:07:45 - Evolution of Bitcoin Trends
00:08:14 - Analyzing the Evolving Trend Line of Bitcoin Prices

Host: Matthew Mezinskis

Show content is not investment or financial advice in any way.

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