Here's the scenario : You live in rural Ireland, one of the most peaceful places

30 days ago

Here's the scenario :

You live in rural Ireland, one of the most peaceful places on planet Earth. It's so quiet, you can hear the birds chirp.

You know all your neighbours, many are family members. It's a tight-knit community.

One day, the government announced that they would open a migrant camp in your village and fill it with strange foreign men.

State forces arrive, push you aside, and bully you in your own home. They erect walls and create a military like compound with CCTV pointing at you, not the migrants.

Then the roads are blocked and you can no longer access parts of your village you frequented for decades.

In the end, you're left terrified and anxious, with hundreds of migrants wandering around your community calling you racist and acting like it's their home now.

This is reality in Ireland.

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