“He Knows I'm Right. He Knows I'm Right. He Knows I'm Right!”

1 month ago

A recording of Andrew talking to officer Bentley at a Burger King.
2:56 – Officer Bentley states that he has seen Andrew safely crossing the street many times.

7:45 -Bentley mentions the time in August 2022 when Andrew uploaded a number of officer's addresses to his YouTube channel, causing him to be court ordered from uploading any videos until March 2023. For more on this, see the following video:

10:04 - Andrew waddles away from the Burger King hysterically chanting, “He knows I'm right. He knows I'm right. He knows I'm right!”

Original title: Officer Bently Burger King November 5, 2023
Uploaded by Andrew Ditch on: November 6, 2023

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