Rescue The Fosters w/ Special Guest: Founder of Warrior Bride Ministries - Kelly Hawley

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Kelly Hawley is the Founder and Executive Director of Warrior Bride Ministries specializing in inner healing and deliverance for survivors of ritual abuse and childhood exploitation. Kelly has served individuals and families impacted by child sexual abuse and exploitation for over 17 years including working as a Director of Healing Retreats for Voice Today. While ministering to survivors with similar stories as her own, she noticed the Lord was sending many who had been trafficked. That exposed her to the bigger picture of ritual abuse and the lack of help available to trafficked survivors and those with dissociative identity disorder (DID). After being called out of corporate America to start her own business about 12 years ago, her heart for seeing others healed and redeemed continued to be her growing passion. In 2020, Kelly founded Warrior Bride Ministries with the mission of providing biblical healing and restoration to child exploitation survivors. Warrior Bride Ministries focuses on the extensive healing journey that occurs after being rescued. The office is in Marietta, GA and serves clients internationally. In addition to inner healing and deliverance, Warrior Bride Ministries partners with others in the healing profession to offer Biocharge, DBT, CBT, Sand Tray Therapy, Life Skills Coaching, Attachment, Boundaries, and CSA support groups, and discipleship to survivors free of charge. Kelly embraces the call to unite the body of Christ to become educated and involved through church partnerships by hosting Counting the Cost conferences. It has been an amazing journey with the Lord walking survivors through healing by incorporating mind, body, spirit, and soul. Kelly enjoys continuing education opportunities as the Lord continues to reveal the enemy’s blueprint of war and His victory plan for survivors. When not working, she loves being outdoors, traveling, and relaxing at the lake with her family. Her heart’s cry is for all believers to embrace Isaiah 61 by becoming equipped to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free.


John Matthew is a 40 year old dad on a duty to break the generational chains that bind so many. Journey that starts with a deep rooted feeling that something was terribly wrong lead to a mission that would not only change his life but positively impact the lives of many for generations to come. An ambitious builder of both business and life sparked a 11+ year journey to turn tragedy into triumph by giving tools and resources to everyone and show their true ability to build and grow their life as God intended, not man.

- Man of firm faith and foundation

-Studied Law for 7+ years including history and origins

-Family business owner, business builder

-Founder of The Self Governing Academy, The National Testimony & The National Records

-Advocate for Law, Self Governing, alternative Self care, survivors, trauma victims, vax injured

Link Tree:
X: John Matthew Profile
X: The National Testimony
X: InPoint Press

Joe Howley:
Current 60-Year old CEO of TrainerMD. Former Police Detective, AI Technology Inventor & Patent Holder,
Science Researcher, Amateur Hockey Player, Coach, Trainer, Christian
* 12-Year Law Enforcement Career
Community Policing Officer
Union Vice President
Training Officer
Massachusetts Registered Lobbyist for the Police Union
Worked on the proposed Mass. State Police Merger in behalf of the police union
Member of the multi-agency Youth Violence Taskforce & Fusion Center Intelligence Team
High Risk Fugitive & Felony Warrant Recovery - Unit Team Leader
Team Leader - Undercover Anti-Crime Unit
Fraud Case Investigator
Massachusetts Transit Hockey Team Founder, Coach, Captain, Manager & Player
Hockey Team Ambassador -Transit Police Hockey Tournaments Nationally / Internationally
* Decorated Officer: District Attorney Accommodation for work on life/death gun assault case
* Life & Death Events & Threats; Led to leaving department in fear for life
* Story of Attempting to Expose Corruption; Mass Transit Police Department & Retaliation
* Undercover Operation - Whitey Bulger gun running operation to Ireland (IRA)
* Life Threats for not joining the corrupt elite detective unit & staying silent on corruption
* Fighting Back; used free press to expose officer/public safety concerns being covered up
* Life Saving Miracles that occurred during years of service, knife attack on Forest Hills train, Ruggles
shooting, knife attack Park Street, Cheated Death at MPD when I came in contact with escaped wanted
fugitive from Bridgewater State Prison
Technology & Health/Performance Entrepreneur & Researcher for 40+ Years
Working as Founder, CEO, and Lead Researcher at TrainerMD for last 12-years.
* Mission to develop alternative Self-Care System providing holistic nutrition & therapeutics
* Promote helping consumers off pharmaceutical drugs through natural remedies/food
* Promote the largely unknown Naturopath Medical System worldwide
* Worked 12-years developing Alternative/Holistic Consumer AI patented Self-Care System
* Patented AI technology 2018
* 2021 Research Study – Results = Nearly 100% predictability of injury & performance risks
* Worked with 5,000+ consumers in 12+ pilot studies with multiple diverse populations
* Leading Researcher in evidence-based Epigenetics & Bio-Analytics Sciences space
* Mission to found a new Epigenetics & Bio-Analytics Research Center-Real-Time Learning
Joes’ Life’s Mission & Passion:
* Serve God
* Bring Honor to my Family
* Serve my Country
* Support those in need of Healing & Performance Optimization
* Become a Self-Governing Man of Christ & Educate & Support Others
* Leave behind a Legacy of Championing Health – Freedom – Human Performance
* Inspire & Empower others in Achieving complete healing as well as their Full Potential
* Sustain Positive Energy & Be a Ray of Light & Hope in the dark reality that we live in
* Spread Love – Hope – Kindness – Faith & Support to those in need
* Conquer Shyness & Support & Inspire Others
* “Be that One-Person that Makes a Difference” - “Buckminster Fuller”
Joe Howley is a 60-year-old Christian, Inventor, Science Researcher, Detective, and
Entrepreneur, on a mission from God to help people heal. His fifty-year journey started at age
10, with a supernatural experience that profoundly shaped Joe’s life, as well as the lives of
many who have participated in his research, and experienced amazing healing, recovery and
performance enhancing journeys themselves.
After experiencing a devastating knee injury playing, at the same time he suffered the greatest
loss in his life, when his dad died of cancer at 52 years old. Joe had a fire lit inside of him to
find out why there was so much cancer, chronic disease, and lack of compassionate care in
the healthcare system.
Joe set out to first heal himself after his surgery recovery went wrong and a second tear in the
ACL left him partially handicapped for 10-years because he could not find healing and
competent care in the healthcare system. Joe finally found his way to a 100% recovery and
healing, with holistic naturopath doctors and practitioners using new technologies and
unconventional healing methods, including highly personalized cellular nutrition. Joe began
building a new AI driven self-care system (PreFormance Self-Care) that makes the current
healthcare system completely obsolete.
Today Joe shares his testimony along with his vison for the future of health, performance, and
healing. He will be publishing his research and case study next year. He is launching the
PreFormance Academy to address the 95% plus health/nutrition illiteracy rate around the
world. Joe is surrounded by a world-class team of science, medical, sports, technology,
business professionals, and others who will help shape healthcare in the world in the future.

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