High Power Unlocked SHTF Ham Radio For Emcomm - Wouxon KG-935H Ham Radio

30 days ago

You can get the KG-935H Ham Radio here: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-kg-935h.html?cmid=amsreGRvTmttM0k9&afid=MTc0SmRGN2tRQW89&ats=VlRpNUROU2phVkE9
You can get the programming cable for the KG935H here: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-pco-001.html?cmid=amsreGRvTmttM0k9&afid=MTc0SmRGN2tRQW89&ats=VlRpNUROU2phVkE9
The KG-935H is Wouxun's new high power (8 watt) hand-held, 1.25M, 2M, and 70cm ham radio - but because the KG-935H is a hihg-power un-lockable radio it is perfect for preppers and SHTF emergency communications. In this video I review the KG 935H, I test the power output on ham and GMRS frequencies, and I go over many of the features of this emergency communications ham radio.
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