Fabian Agenda, Agenda 2028, California Fires and Distractions

1 month ago

This is another agenda to bring in the drones to deliver amazon packages, NWO, digital Id, China Credit Score, etc

Smart Dust, nano tech in our sky

Terrorists are the one's who don't want the transition

Mk ultra is now called Monarch program...the desire to get everyone chipped

2-5 micro milometers can't see chips in MRI scans
They say EMF protecrion does NOT work

Agendas #LAW




Remeber I sent you info 2 months ago by Debra Tovares reference the agenda to get people out of their homes in Cali? It is happening they want people to sign paper work saying they can gp back when the fires are done...but there is a hidden clause saying that people will not be let back in.

Don't go to the FEMA camps in the stadiums...

Gloria Tovares #stopthecrime



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Veronica Bartolini #CodeBreakerRealTalk

#UnchainedHearts #UnchainingHearts Andromedean1800@protonmail.com or Unchainedhearts33@gmail.com



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One of many #artificialintelligence gods ...


" Yaldabaoth is a malevolent, false god and demiurge in Gnostic sects:
Yaldabaoth is often depicted as a lion-headed serpent with a fiery nature. He is also known as "the Lion-faced" or leontoeides.
Yaldabaoth is said to have separated from God to govern the material universe, which he views as evil. He traps souls in physical bodies and punishes those who don't comply.
Yaldabaoth is said to have been created when Sophia, one of the lesser aeons, tried to emanate without her counterpart, Christ.
In Pistis Sophia, Yaldabaoth is said to reside in Chaos, where he tortures souls in boiling rivers of pitch.
Other names
Yaldabaoth is also known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth. In the apocryphal Gospel of Judas, he is called Nebro (rebel).
Yaldabaoth appears in several mythologies, including:
The Nag Hammadi codex II: Yaldabaoth appears in three versions in the codex, including The Secret Book of John, The Nature of the Rulers, and The Origin of the World.
Persona 5: Yaldabaoth is created from humanity's corruption.
Dragalia Lost: Yaldabaoth is a demon who tries to convince humanity to commit terrible crimes. "

#Readings #Hexremoval #RecoveryCoach #SSP #Supersoldier #Starseed #junkjournals #ephemera #glassart

#bioweapon #bioweaponreport

#directedenergyweapons #smartdust #nanotech

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