Danish Faroe Islands - About 50 Pilot whales killed in sadistic Bloodsport

1 month ago

January 10, 2025, Faroe bloodsport islands:
A pod of Dolphins (Pilot Whales) was found january 9. near Hvannasund
around 3pm Thursday and was held captive until the next day, when at
around 10am the killing started.

Vikings were once said to drink blood from the skulls of their enemies—what happened to that "tradition"? It seems easier to keep the ones about tormenting defenceless creatures.
Comment #FaroesFree to receive the pledge form and take a stand against this injustice.
Another pod has been slaughtered, and this will only stop when action is taken.
Economic pressure is the key—boycott Faroese products and encourage your friends to do the same.
The Faroe Islands are among the wealthiest nations on Earth. Let’s send a clear message by refusing to spend your hard-earned money on their products. You have the power to end this cruelty.

UK businesses, driven by government trade agreements, are quietly overlooking the ongoing slaughter of of over a thousand dolphins each year in the Faroe Islands. This brutal practice, with no quota or season, remains largely ignored for the sake of economic gain. But as a consumer or business, you have the power to go #FaroesFree and apply economic pressure to end the killing:

Video by: Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK - Faroe Islands Campaign
(Neptune's Pirates UK) https://www.facebook.com/OpBloodyFjords ,
Crew on the ground : Palli Justesen https://www.facebook.com/pallia.justesen
#TraditionsCanChange #OpBloodyFjords
Don't #visitfaroeislands
#PaulWatsonFoundation UK the new name of #SeaShepherd UK
#AnimalRightsActivist #CPWF #DolphinHunting #StopTheGrind #StopDolphinHunt #AnimalRights

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