Fast Track To Financial Freedom

1 month ago


We went on a mission last week and I drove all the way to Sequin Texas and yep I got it on film.

An attorney cannot take your home if you have recorded the Release Of Lien and Conveyed it to the private.

But if you don't know what you're doing....

And if you don't know what THEY'RE DOING,
You may take their paperwork as being lawful.

But it's not.

We know how to use their own UCC right back at them, and they don't like it, so they try to trick lay people.

The dumbest assumption you can make is that an attorney is honorable.

Law school is not the law.

They learn the Roman civil statutory code based system and how to use it following their own made up rules of civil procedure.

None of this ever has to do with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, nor the Declaration of Independence.

So all the screaming about Trump law fare, J6 rights violations, etc all happening because one hires a BAR CARD AGENT OF THE STATE.

The are licensed by the state to "practice".
They use LLCs granted by the state.
They always work for the state!

They can only go by the statutes.
They can speak of CIVIL rights, but not LIBERTIES.

Only living men and women have what is called PRIVATE RIGHTS, as in the Bill of Rights protected by the Constitution.

It's important to use the right words.

Words have meaning and if you want to be taken seriously standing, you have to be correct.

Here's a clip from our Platinum Fast Track To Financial Freedom group inside the Inalienable University.

This home is now mortgage free, and property tax free and this gal was sent a 65 page "scary letter" as we like to call them.

But we teach you how to acquire the LENS at which to SEE LEGAL FOCKERY!

Do you understand my X handle yet? 🤔

Because this term should be in the Urban Dictionary by now!

Take a listen.
Follow me to freedom.

Freedom from your mortgage because it was sold and bank fraud was committed which makes you no longer responsible for the contract.

We are not new to this.
Scott has been doing this for a decade+.

Join https://Inalienable.University

Tonight on our Monday night Zoom we're going to talk about all the fockery.

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