Why Didn't They See It Coming?

1 month ago

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/newsletter/), starting with why the failure of COP29 was predictable and moving on to alarmists trying to stifle debate on BSky, people convinced peak oil is upon us despite the evidence, a journalist who bathed in oil in Azerbaijan and was apparently surprised at getting sticky, a Guardian journalist mocking Jaguar's move to produce DEI not cars, the bankruptcy of Northvolt making fools of EV-subsidizing politicians, some bad weather the press didn't blame on climate because it was cold or smoggy, Oxford and the UN trying to prevent open debate on climate, and wrapping up with an installment of our #GreenBlackout series on what's in the IPCC's Technical Summaries, the fact that your country is warming at twice the average rate because the land is warming faster than the oceans, a rigged panel on attribution science, faux scary numbers on melting Greenland ice, and evidence that canola too loves CO2.

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