My Japanese Video Game Collection 101 Drakkhen

2 months ago

Many people believed that Final Fantasy 4 or Actraiser was the first RPG for the Super Famicom. Nope! The correct answer to that is Drakkhen.

Drakkhen is actually a French role-playing game made by Infogrames and it was released in 1989 for the PC (MS-DOS). One year later it would get a release for the Super Famicom.
In which the Super Famicom version is more playable because the MS-DOS version is hard as hell.

Drakkhen is a RPG which the players have to explore 6 castles to collect Gems from a Prince and Princess Drakkhen. What is unique about this game is that in the overworld the view is in 3D and in the castles are just plain 2D where you explore rooms. The game also has a day and night cycle in which time has effect on the game.

The battles in this game are automatic so you can just watch your characters duke it out with a monster you encounter. You can also have them attack with their weapon or cast a spell. You can escape from battles by keep pressing the L and R buttons.

The music in this game is really good and I love the music in the 2nd castle you explore, the Igloo, and the desert Tent. The title music used to be scary to me as a kid. But now when you hear it you're in a world full of fantasy, danger and magic.

One more thing to mention is that when you start the game fresh you can play with default characters or create your own. I always play with my own created characters but for this video I'll play as default characters.

Of course, I'm playing the Japanese version of this game which means you get into a thousand random encounters as you are trying to get to one castle to another and it gets very annoying.

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