I got EVERY ACHIEVEMENT in Yoshi (NES) with RetroAchievements

3 days ago

I've been on a road to mastering Retro Achievements with Yoshi on the NES, being my next game. Mastering Yoshi on the NES was for the most part a pretty straight forward challenge. I thought I'd have an issue with the last retro achievement I unlocked, but I ended up unlocking it much quicker than expected.

Yoshi is a retro puzzle game published by Nintendo and developed by Game Freak (the dudes behind the Pokemon Franchise). The game was actually the third game my brother and I received for our console way back in the day.

Mastering Yoshi took a total of two Twitch Streams. What I have edited here is a highlight showcasing the top moments in collecting these wonderful Retro Achievements.

Hashtags: #retroachievements #yoshi #nes #retro #nintendo #twitchstream #famicom #puzzlegame #gamefreak #mario #challenge #highlight #luigi #staryoshi #egg


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