St Peters Fishing Boat has been found

1 month ago

In 1986, there was a severe drought on the Sea of Galilee. Two fishermen, brothers Moshe and Yuval Lufan were keen amateur archaeologists and explored the beaches and surrounding areas to find something historically significant. When the water levels dropped significantly, their enthusiasm increased, because things could be found under the surface of the water that would not normally have been visible. They found something remarkable, old-fashioned and valuable on the beach. First, they found some old-looking parts, nails and wooden dowels. They concluded that there may have been something larger nearby that parts of it had dislodged. In the end, the discovery turned out to be the remains of a fishing boat buried in the beach sand. The brothers were mostly interested in finding artifacts from Israel's past. Now there seemed to be something that was of interest to a much wider audience. They immediately realized that the remains of the boat could be of interest not only in Jewish history but also in Christian history.

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