What Implementing a Diet Dramatically Reducing the Amount of Carbohydrates Can Do

14 days ago

Nina Teicholz: "If you implement a diet which dramatically reduces the amount of carbohydrates, you can reverse type two diabetes, you can reverse hypertension, the vast, vast majority of cardiovascular risk factors. You can reverse schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, I know that sounds crazy. Reduce depression and anxiety by 79%."

"Within, not within years, within weeks. Within weeks to months. In the biggest clinical trial on type two diabetes, and this was confirmed by other clinical trials, more than 50% of the population was able to reverse their type two diabetes, including people who had diabetes for eight years."

"That was on average in this study. Reverse it, 50%, more than 50% within 10 weeks. This is doable, and I think for all of us should be a source of enormous optimism. And if I can just say one other thing, this knowledge has been around for a decade."

"You haven't heard of it, right? You haven't read it in a single newspaper that we can reverse type 2 diabetes, which affects 38 million people. Think about how many articles you've read on Ozempic and Wegovy and any of those drugs, those shots."

"Thousands of them, and yet not a single article on how you can reverse type 2 diabetes using food. And that tells you something about the challenges that we're up against today."

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