Senate Majority Whip John Barrasso: 'Our Goal - To Get His Team In Place'

5 hours ago

Posted • January 12, 2025: "The President's goal is our goal — to get his team in place so we can deliver for America," tweets Senate Majority Whip John Barrasso (R-Wyoming). Certain nominations and appointments made by the president are subject to the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate. That process typically involves committee hearings during which senators are allowed opportunities to question nominees. Whip Barrasso tweets that getting the president's team in place is their goal. This process serves as a safeguard against an executive appointing highly-placed department heads who are unfit for such a job or are otherwise unqualified. As important as it is to have heads of departments in place, it is, at least, equally important that nominees be advised upon and consented to by the Senate.

Twitchy: Senate Majority Whip John Barrasso: 'Our Goal — to Get His Team in Place'

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