Cornelis Vreeswijk - Somliga Går Med Trasiga Skor (English Translation) | A Timeless Swedish Classic

1 month ago

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Video from @tifflan7351

Today, I listen to Cornelis Vreeswijk's classic track, Somliga går med trasiga skor [English Translation]. Growing up in Sweden, this song was an integral part of the culture, and it still resonates deeply. While my all-time favorite from Cornelis is Sommarkort, there’s something truly special about Somliga går med trasiga skor.

It's a song that captures life’s struggles and realities in such a poetic and heartfelt way. Even though it’s not the most uplifting track, it keeps me grounded in the present—reminding me that the only moment I have control over is now. On a day like today, when I’ve been feeling a bit down, this song feels like a comforting companion.

Cornelis Vreeswijk’s music is timeless, and his storytelling continues to connect with people across generations. If you haven’t experienced his artistry, this is the perfect place to start.

#cornelisvreeswijk #somligagårmedtrasigaskor #swedishclassics

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