13 days ago

Jesus connects bread and forgiveness, Hesays, 'Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgivethose who trespass against us.'

At theLord's Supper, He broke the matzah, theunleavened bread and He said, 'This is mybody which is broken for you', which issignificant because Jesus said, 'I am thebread of life'.

What's really crazy is,where was Jesus born? Bethlehem, the Houseof Bread. But here's the deeper thing,Hebrew is alphanumeric, that means everyletter has a numerical value. Bethlehem,House of Bread has a numerical value of490. Nativity in Hebrew equals 490. To beperfect or complete, Tamim in Hebrewequals 490.

Why is that significant?Because Jesus born in Bethlehem (490), wasthe perfect Tamim sacrifice (490). Petercomes to Jesus and says, 'How many timesdo I have to forgive, seven times?' – 'No'Jesus said, '70 x 7', which is 490. And whydid he pick that number? You can't beperfect unless you extend the bread offorgiveness.

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