JUAN O SAVIN- 8 Days and A Way to Go - JMC 1 12 2025

2 months ago

Very much the show I was looking for where Juan has the time and the clear through read on what is going on and then the great analysis by John Michael Chambers. He wants this shared: https://rumble.com/v68mnx4-john-and-juan-updates-with-juan-osavin-urgent-question-for-america-inaugura.html
RUSSIA from White Paper https://archive.org/details/broken-arrow
While geopolitical tensions may seem high between Russia and the United States, the reality underneath the media facade is much cooler. On several occasions Vladamir Putin
has said repeatedly, his fight is not with the American People, but with the Democratic National Convention and those within the Globalist WEF. That his fight is against as he states “The Satanic cult’ that rules the West.
The psychological profile of Vladimir Putin while obviously in depth, we will comment on the Character of the man in brief to get to the point:
While visiting Turkmenistan, Vladimir Putin was given a puppy from Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. While the Central Asian leader holds the dog by its scruff to
parade in front of the camera. You can see, via body language, that Putin's body language is uncomfortable and he doesn’t wait for the politician to hand him the dog. He quickly gets up and nurtures the dog. Cradling it like a child, smoothing it’s scruff and then kissing the K9, before setting it down.
Despite the obvious nature of propaganda, Putin is an animal lover and outdoorsman. This type of mentality in a man is a signature of strong character, a grasp of reality and a compassion for the natural world.
Vladimir Putin has on several occasions limited his response to Ukraine and NATO provocation by crossing red lines he has set. While in the West he is ridiculed, this can also be seen as a leader who knows the reality of
escalation and can see the end of the war with a new incoming Trump
administration and therefore only had to take, control and annex territory already voted on by its people, for Russia.
He has on several occasions spoken directly to the American people to reassure them Russia is not at war with America or its people.
Putin has also told Americans to not give up their weapons under any circumstance, realizing the United States is the last bastion of a true free
state with the world's largest free standing army. Should we fall, the globalist agenda will spread like a wildfire.
Russia has built an entire village outside Moscow for Americans who wish to flee the United States and its disastrous woke ideology.
Russia has opened up immigration for Americans who wish to flee the United States and its policies.
Vladimir Putin is a career KGB officer and aware of the interplay of escalation and geopolitics. Intelligence demands logic, rationality and composure, Not
rash and reactive spur of the moment decisions.
In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin engaged in a historical lecture from memory on the history of Russia and Ukraine. At his age demonstrating cognitive faculties intact and sharp. A man in control of himself and his nation
All of the above, do not lend itself to a man willing to aid the quiet detonation of a nuclear device inside a key geopolitical rival and nuclear armed nation. The resulting response
would destroy Russia and surely end us (As Master Sergeant Livelsburger stated in ‘his’ ‘Manifesto’ MAD, mutually assured destruction.) Vladimir Putin would know this and given the proximity to victory he stands in Ukraine, would not jeopardize Russian advances nor
throw away the lives lost on the Russian side in such a fool hardy action.
To smuggle in a device and detonate it within the United States would not at all benefit Russia. Especially given the nuclear signature of the device will trace back to Russia itself.
The sheer insanity of the action rules out the Russians because they stand to lose more than gain. The only nation which would gain from the destruction of the United States and Russia, is China.

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