Psalm 119:56-61 Breaking Free from Empty Rituals, and the Word became life....

26 days ago

Returning to Yahuah’s Instructions:
So many of us were raised in a cycle of rituals—when to bow, when to light a candle, how to observe holidays, we simply never questioned. Traditions passed down from birth, filled with lies we later repeated to our children. But the truth is simple: Yahuah never called us to lifeless rituals. He called us to guard His Turah, His living instructions. Even when enemies surround like circling sharks, His Word is our foundation, not traditions built by men. Return to His ways, for they are life and truth. Trust in Yahuah with all your heart, as Daniel did in the lions' den. His Turah is our refuge, our portion, our promise of protection and wisdom.
Supporting Scriptures:
* Psalm 119:56-61: This has become mine, Because I have observed Your orders... The cords of the lawless have surrounded me, Your Turah I have not forgotten.
* Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in Yahuah with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He makes all your paths straight.
* Daniel 6:22: My Alahim has sent His messenger and has shut the lions’ mouths, and they did not harm me, because I was found innocent before Him.
Call to Action:
Let go of man-made traditions and return to the purity of Yahuah’s instructions. His truth is all we need, even when the world turns against us. Guard His commands with all your heart.

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