The Fool Leaps to Activated Earth Energy Vlo9

30 days ago

The Fool Leaps to Activated Earth Energy Vlo9 Title is first from the date. January 12, 2025 thus, #22 the Fool Card in tarot numerology. The fool need ot situationally aware before he take that leap of faith. The Activated Earth card is from the starseed oracle. Think power places , ley lines and Trust where you are led.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure 3 new site showed us an amplitude power of 10 at 11:15 AM UTC. Therefore, The Star gives us hope that the wheel of fortune will bring us positive Karmic change which we can clearly see. The Quality a power of 12, Thus, the Hanged Man who halts his action to make a sacrifice to change his perspective. The frequency average is 7.93 hertz. Thus, The Number 19 the Sun card which brings us clarity at the dawn of every day. T It's light gives us life and warmth .
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