Threat #1 Fires | Threat #2 Robbing, Vandalizing & Unliving | Into The Crucible Of Change

30 days ago

Into The Crucible Of Change
We are entering into the crucible of life called Change. There will be a spiritually warming trend.

Wife and I, throughout our marriage of 45 years, have embraced change.
It is a exhilarating, exhausting, of an experience.

At my age, I am not so sure I want more change landed into my lap. Change will find you and I where it will. As if change is an object or even just one obstacle.

Fear Not The Obstacles

We are going to go through something akin to a dark night of the soul.
Don’t get lost in dark.
We have secret light.

1 Corinthians 1:28

Do you recall The night the Death Angel Went From House To House Screams And Wales In All Of Egypt
It Would Be Just Like God
To Leave A Light On
It would be good if you were cognizant.
The old time Christians had a secret light, within their souls.
Not all, not all, not all, but a few like you and I.

There is a remnant in every generation, among every Christian group.
They could shout and sing when the burdens grew greater.

When the burdens grow greater
Do you comprehend what it means;
a Darkness that can be felt.
Exodus 10:21-23
God’s people to have a secret light
We may hear of strange and horrific sounds but we are to remain safe under the Blood of the Lamb.

We have a secret light of the Holy Spirit within us to keep us steady.
Your family depends on you to stay firm in your relationship with Yeshua and your resolve to save your family to best of your ability.

Romans 12:21

Proverbs 8:13

Ephesians 6:12-15

Psalm 97:10

We will need to take comfort in the thought God is in control of our lives’ whether we live or die in the Lord.
Romans 14:8
THE EVENT: The Solar Flare
What is the Event, soon to unfold?

It’s beginning to sound like; it is beginning to look like two simultaneous occurrences to create one Event.

One imparting light and the second producing sound both entwined on a Caduceus for the healing of Huemanity.
As any student of light will tell you; there are patterns in light that help you see the Light in a non-sequential order. [[[[Still Patterns]]]]
Patterns •••> which betray trajectory.

Then there is low rumble of the earth, gives rise to the inward sound of Gaia coming to consciousness.
Gaia will awaken your Heart Chakra; Sol will break through to awaken your Pineal Gland.

Gaia has a crystalline center, and in working together with Sol with a Flash of Light to awaken you to be able SEE and HEAR to raise your consciousness.

Gaia remembers every life, she keeps in her the memory of every one of them alive within her.
Sol has watched every life and nourished them with the rays of his Being.

In the Event, there will be a Flash of Light on all of huemanity.
Why? To heal your DNA.
As with the first Advent of Christ. He went into the bowls of the Earth to set at liberty the souls of the patriarchs who had not perfectly kept the Covenant Law.
Referenced in Ephesians 4:7-8

So too, in this Advent, the Son of Man will go into the bowls of the Earth to rescue the saints who had not perfectly kept the Law of Faith.
There he led Captivity Captive.
Where will you be when the Trumpet for Gaia sounds?

Where will you be when you and i are transported by the Light?

Right where you need to be, to be transported to the Fifth Dimension.
You are today 01/12/2025 right where you need to be.
My.burdens are easy
Matthew 11:28-30
Amplified Bible
28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy[to bear] and My burden is light.”
Be encouraged my friends
Why? Because God Is Love

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