His Glory TV - Perry Stone - Prophecy - AI + 2025 Vision on Take FiVe - Captions

1 month ago

Dave Scarlett introduces the guest, Perry Stone. Dave discusses the goal of reaching a billion souls for Jesus Christ and urges end-of-year giving challenges. The main focus then shifts to an interview with Perry Stone, who discusses biblical prophecy, geopolitical events concerning Israel, U.S. politics, and potential threats like nuclear attacks and drone activities. Stone also shares insights into the complexities of Middle Eastern politics, particularly Iran's influence and the Shia-Sunni divide.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 12-23-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v618lm2

Insights with Perry Stone: Biblical Prophecies, U.S.-Israel Relations, and Healthy Living

Join Dave Scarlett on HisGloryTV as he opens with Psalm 91 and welcomes Perry Stone for an insightful discussion on biblical prophecies, the current state of U.S.-Israel relations, and geopolitical events. Perry Stone shares his perspectives on America's future, prophetic timelines, and recent events involving Israel. This episode also features essential updates on Kingdom Fuel, prayer requests, and the goal of reaching a billion souls. Additionally, discover natural health remedies with John Richardson from the Richardson Nutrition Center, emphasizing the benefits of apricot seeds and Laetrile. Don't miss this comprehensive episode filled with spiritual insights, health advice, and more!

00:00 Psalm 91: A Divine Promise of Protection
01:40 Introduction by Dave Scarlett
02:09 Welcoming Perry Stone
02:28 Kingdom Fuel and Health Announcements
03:03 Prayer Requests and End of Year Giving Challenge
03:44 Interview with Perry Stone: Israel and Biblical Prophecy
14:14 Perry Stone on U.S. and Global Politics
26:19 Closing Remarks and Book Promotion
26:41 Health and Wellness Products
28:43 John Richardson on Natural Health Solutions
39:20 Final Thoughts and Farewell

Video Information:

Perry Stone: Prophecy, AI & 2025 Vision on Take FiVe


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Video Transcript:

Psalm 91, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God and Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge.

His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.

Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the Lord who is my refuge, even the most high, your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague coming near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways, in their hands.

They shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against the stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high, because he has known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him.

I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Hi, I'm Bo Polny and you are watching HisGloryTV, and God is on the move, so do not miss future episodes of HisGlory. God bless.

And we want to welcome all of his glory nation from east to west to north to south welcomes a day's take five Every take five is a great take five. We get to interview Generals and presidents and leaders of countries all over the world. But today is a real near treasure to me Perry Stone He he baptized me in the Holy Spirit about ten years ago.

So he's really near and dear to our family So we're so excited to have Perry on so we're gonna have Perry on just a second a couple quick announcements First is Kingdom Fuel Get our bodies fueled up for 2025. And today it's got 25 vitamins and minerals and everything you need in a full meal replacement.

Our bodies are temples, and we've got a lot of work to do to get to a billion souls. And we got to get our bodies healthy. Kingdom crunch is part of our kingdom of line as well as general Flynn's favorite. You can just add that as a trail mix or add milk. And there you go. A healthy alternative for what is out there today.

prayer request. Send your prayer request to prayer warrior at his glory dot me. We have a team of over 140 prayer warriors that pray over every single prayer and get back to you in writing so that you are that we, we respond also send your prayer success stories to us so that we can share the The glory of God on every time he answers.

All right. Last is end of year giving challenge. Help us reach a billion souls for Jesus Christ. That's the goal of his glory ministry, a billion souls, and we can't do it without you. So it's an end of year giving challenge. Be a part of a billion soul harvest in the name of our King of Kings and Lord of hosts.

All right. That's our announcements. It's time for the one and only. Perry Stone, Perry, thank you for joining his glory and what a honor and pleasure it is to have you on. Well, it's an honor and pleasure to be on. And I mean that sincerely in your testimony, you share it off camera a moment ago was great blessing to me, but we're living in amazing times and I cannot wait.

to just let's get into this and see what, what's happening, you know, recently to indicate the times that we're in, you know, even what God's about to do in the earth and especially here in the States. Amen. So, yeah, I'd like to talk about the drones, but before we get into the drones, Israel, I know Israel is on your heart always as it is on mine.

Where are we in a biblical timeline with Israel? And then we'll we'll follow that up with the United States. What has God had in store for the United States? Okay. In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul said that they will cry peace and security, but then sudden destruction comes. And that verse has always puzzled me about peace and security because a lot of people attribute that to the time when the Antichrist comes and treaties are signed and then later the Antichrist turns on those nations, which is throughout scripture in different places.

among different prophets. But I was thinking the other day of two things that are very interesting. When president Trump was in they made peace with about five Arab nations and they were headed to make peace with much of that. And a lot of this is not because they agree with each other. A lot of it is economic.

It's about money. It's about building. It's about prosperity, blessing the people, et cetera. And then of course, when he came out of office, the, those particular accords were sort of put on the back burner and stopped. However. I never expected this, and I mean this sincerely, when they went into Gaza, I said, you know, they have a reason to do that, they've got to take care of that, if they don't do something with the terrorist units that are there, Hamas this is going to go on forever and get worse.

And they did something. And then I was stunned that even Hezbollah would get involved because they knew what Israel could do. You'll never beat Israel in the air. No, I personally believe this. They have the greatest air force and pilots that we do too in the States. Don't get me wrong, but, but a Syrian pilot defected a few years ago and they he planned it out and he defected and they said, I defected because we'll never defeat Israel.

in a war and we'll never defeat them in air. It's never going to happen. And so that's the point that they have a great air force and they have a great military, but when Hezbollah in the North, which is Lebanon, Syria became involved, I was quite shocked by that. But then what really blew my mind was the story of the pagers, how the Israel.

And it wasn't under the name of Israel. It wasn't under the name of Jewish people. If they bought a factory, this is like 15 years ago. And they began to have negotiations with Hezbollah about their pagers and their walkie talkies. And they began to plant explosives inside of those pagers and walkie talkies.

That this is like a movie. This is like a James Bond movie. I mean, this is like something you, this is, this can't even be real. And then how they set the pagers off. And I had some friends over there that said, Man, at that point, nobody wanted to use the cell phone. How do you want to use their computers?

They, they just said, we're not touching anything because, and I thought this is just, so it shows you the patience of Israel to do this for 15 years. But here's, here's a big key with the Israeli military and because we know some military, I had a colonel, a full-bird colonel say to me one time, he said, Petty, what is this?

And I said, it's, it's one finger. He said, what number is it? He said, one. I, he says, what is this? I said, that's two. He said, no, it's 11. And he looked at me and he said, here's how we're taught. We're taught to keep our mouth shut. The United States gets very frustrated that Israel will do something like that.

These pagers and not let them know. Do you know why they don't let the United States know? Because we have people, this is a fact, in the DOJ, in the State Department, that are anti Israel. And they would leak it out to the people. They've done this in the past. And I don't want to get into those stories because those are very frustrating and aggravating for me from a person who has a lot of military friends, but they would leak the information out and then it would harm the process or the plan.

But he said, for every person you tell, 11 people are going to find out. And he said, we're taught. Not to say anything and not to trust anybody except those in the inner circle that we know are our leaders that we are responsible to and that are making the strategy and the plan. But the thing that is interesting is these are all Hamas and Hezbollah and Down in, in, in Yemen and, and the other smaller subgroups are all proxies of Iran.

And when the rebels went into Damascus recently, and actually they were working on this for quite some time, and you may know this, and I'm sure you do, that the United States supports the Kurds in the north. In fact, during the Bush administration, if you were to go to where the Kurds were, I had friends that went to, we call it, it's not a nation, but Kurd country they had They had pictures of President Bush up in every shop, just about, they had, they were riding in US Hummers, they were waving US flags because the Kurds are very, very pro west and pro-American.

So we have teamed up with them, of course, in some of the activity. But it's gonna be interesting, for example, to see what's going to happen in Syria because those militia groups. That are taking over that part of Syria have a background. Some of them have a background that is not so good, but I think they also understand that if they go into the negative area, if they go back into the missiles or the terrorism, they are not going to last long.

They're just not going to last. So it's going to be interesting when president Trump takes over. And I want to give you a little inside information from a Muslim friend of mine, but president Trump won a huge Muslim as a majority in Michigan. And that's one of the reasons he won the state of Michigan.

And a friend of mine who was a Muslim, he said, he said, Perry, he said, let me tell you why the Muslims, in my opinion, he said, in my opinion, are voting for Trump, he said, because Iran or Persia is a Shia Muslim. And a lot of the people in Michigan are Sunni Muslims. And the Sunnis and the Shias have had a battle going on since the death of Muhammad as to whom the heir of Islam should be.

Their capitals have been different. Their anticipated Mahdi, which is the last leader, how he appears and when he appears and is very different. And there's been a lot of struggles and the Sunnis do not like the Shias and the Shias do not like the Sunnis. And they've been fighting each other since the death of Muhammad.

And he said when President Trump made a He made this statement somewhere, and I don't want to quote him unless I can quote him exact, but it was basically this, that if Iran tries to assassinate one of the U. S. leaders and is successful, or if they do certain things nuclear, he says, I'll bomb the blank out of them.

And that's basically what he said. Well, the folks up there are like, Oh, you know, Allah be praised because this is what we've been praying for. And really it's, it's not funny. It really was never funny, but I'm saying when you hear when you understand that the thinking of that part of the world, it's very different.

It's like when we went into Afghanistan, we we kind of went in like and we did. Everybody knows this suitcases full of money and tried to make negotiations. But a lot of the US did not understand, even when they went into Iraq, that everything in the Arab world is tribal. Yeah. And they respect the elders and they have a tribal leader.

So we were trying to go in there and do it by dealing with the government, the people over the government, this person in the government, that person. And it just wasn't working. And it doesn't work in that part of the world unless you have a dictator. And then if you have the dictator, you've got to work like Saddam Hussein or Qaddafi.

You have to work directly through the dictator. to get anything done, which doesn't work out good most of the time. But when you understand that part of the world, that you have the tribal leaders who are over that division of the tribe and how that they really respect in the Arab world, Arab honor, then you know how to deal with that part of the world.

And you know as I do, it's a very different part of the world. But I, going back to your question, I'm very stunned at what is happening and the changes taking place. I never saw it coming prophetically, but there has to be a time of peace that comes. And this might be that season that we're about to enter into.

We're seeing incredible things. We see more people in Israel coming to know who Messiah is. I have three or four generals, IADF generals that are friends of mine. They are this close to accepting Yeshua and that's has to do with the last four years with COVID and God's showing up and the miracles and wonders and it's an exciting time to be alive.

Exciting time to be alive. The greatest time in the history of the world to be alive and we get to be a part of it, Perry. Remember you've been telling, talking about that for years. We get to be a part of this great, this great revival of our King. All right, we're going to be right back with Perry Stone after this.

At his glory, we're going to reach a billion souls. And every one of the seven mountains of his kingdom, we're at war. And to win a war, we need the people in the trenches and the trenches are the kingdom builders. So why do you partner with his glory so that you can be a part of this billion soul harvest?

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And we are back with Perry Stone. Perry, can you talk about America, where you believe we are in America? What God has in store with the Trump and his new his next administration. Plus we'll, we'll talk about the the drones. What's happening with the drones here in the United States of New Jersey.

Well, it was pretty interesting because I don't think anybody ever believed that Trump could win by that, by that level. margin that he did, which what that showed was that the American people were rejecting ideologies from the other party. It wasn't about skin color. It wasn't about being a woman. I don't believe that we've, we've had a black president.

So America is not a racist nation, but what it was about was that they, you know, the woke culture, the, the, the, the boys allowed to go in girls bathrooms, the boys allowed in girls sports, the American people, by and large, some of them do want it, but by and large, the majority said, We do not want to live in a culture where I've got to have think my daughter is going to be hit by a guy and injured, which has happened in sports this past previously.

So there was a rejection of that now because the wind was so huge. Something I've noticed that honestly is very humorous is when he got in the first time, the whole media was against him. It was Russian collusion. It was this, it was that. I mean, they just were doing everything they could to get rid of him because he said, I'm going to deal with the swamp.

Basically the swamp being the deep state. Well, let me just make a statement, knowing some high level people that would probably be considered a part of the deep state. You can't. a system that so many people are making money on. For example and I'm going to be careful here because I have a ton of military friends in Israel, just like you do.

I have a lot of ex retired military men who I had military men that are my secret service guys, former secret service that do our security. So I have a lot of friends in that realm. But one thing that. That if you look at what Trump has said, Trump says, I want to, I want the hostages out. I want to stop the wars.

I want to, you know, get our troops. I want, I want, in other words, I want to try to bring some kind of stability to the world by negotiating peace. Now, let me ask you a question. Who is. has the most to lose in that, and it's the military industrial complex. Now, we're not talking about soldiers. We're not talking about our military guys.

We're not even talking about our colonels and generals and all those. Those are great men. We're talking about the system that makes the money off of making the weapons and that are sold to these different nations. Now, one of the reasons Russia is so upset with us right now, and they are very upset, And that is because that Biden told the Ukraine to take these specialized missiles and he could now had permission to use them against Russia, which only deepened the resolve of Russia to, to, to actually say, we're now at war with the United States.

Now it's not an official proclamation, but it is a proclamation that's being made kind of like over the media. And, you know, Putin, I don't, I don't really know. I mean, I have. very close friends that would know him personally. And there are people that are from there that says he's misunderstood, or, you know, they have a lot of, they, they say a lot of different things about him as a person, but I will tell you that he and several of his leaders have made threats that they are not afraid of using nuclear weapons and what their plan would be, would be this.

The plan would be to strike the, the economic center of America, which would be New York. Now we're not talking about a Hiroshima type strike. We're talking about something enough to, to, to frighten people, to, to mess a city up, to shut down the stock market, to stuck down. So in other words, that's one.

Washington, if they struck it would be way too dangerous because of the military response. They would be a demand of a response that would be horrible. But the, you have cities, and I don't want to name the cities, but like the Boston, New Jersey, New York area is probably, in my opinion, it's probably the number one target outside of course, DC, again, which would be complete suicide for any country that would do that.

But the thing is they want the United States to capitulate. So the plan would be to take a limited nuclear weapon, but a weapon that could not be traced back to them. So how would it be brought in? It would be brought in through proxies who would basically Make sure that there's no computer information.

Make sure that their passports disappear. There's a lot of things. In other words, disappear once you're across the border. That was the danger. You know, this and the generals knew this of keeping the border open. We had some characters getting here that had no business. Oh, they should have been arrested when they crossed, but this past administration, this administration is now in, in the Biden administration.

They just didn't, it's almost like they didn't care who came in. Okay. So what would happen is A limited attack, not being able to trace it back to a major rule power, but trace it back to let's say probably the Iranians would get the blame for it or some militia group, some Al Qaeda, ISIS. This is a retaliation for what you did.

So then who do you retaliate against? You retaliate against that small group or that group of people. You know, five or 10, 000, you annihilate them and said, now we've dealt with the enemy, but you may not always deal with the actual main source that was provided. And so if I can just kind of get into this just a little bit, I'm going to be very careful because I'm going to walk on eggshells here because I have, I have, and you understand that because I have been told not to share what I have been told.

to skip around it. Okay, because this is now being made public, I will simply say this. It is believed that someone has either through the shipping containers at the New Jersey and New York port, or even come into the border in the South and made their way to safe houses where this was, Put together, there have been different parts and components that have been brought into the United States.

Somehow, the radiation levels of certain areas in certain parts of the country are higher than they should be. It's not a leak from a nuclear power plant, and there is no reasoning for those levels to be up. And it's not like, you know, some deadly, everybody's going to get cancer level, but it's, Something's going on.

The drones are not foreign drones. And if they were foreign drones, you can trust me that the entire U S military would be camped in New Jersey and New York, because this would be a national security threat. And every drone would be shot down you know, if they can find an open space. So these drones are.

Now, I'm going to say something a little bit about that, which is interesting. And everybody will understand this. The United States military has advanced technology and they keep it private. And then 20 years later, we get it. For example, they had the internet. We think the internet, Google came up with the, no, no, no.

The U S military had the internet before the public ever had it. So eventually it becomes public by you go, I gotta be careful. You go to, you go to the social medias and you say, you help us with this. Then we're going to open up a door for you for that. It's kind of a business deal that goes on, right?

And so you have that. So, all the technology that we're now dealing with, being able to take pictures on phones, being, this is stuff that has been out there way before it ever became public. Well, do you remember when the stealth bomber came out? And everybody was like, whoa, where did this come from? You know, it can't be detected.

Okay. We have been working on drones. Drone technology is one of the best technologies to use in the military, but you have to do some things to make that drone faster. If a missile's coming in, you know, if, if, if a drone only goes this way or that way, and the missile comes in, you know, it depends, depending on the, the heat coming from a drone or not the heat, but just the whole general idea of what a drone is, then that missile could take a drone.

Now you've got these drones, and if you watch them, they go up, they go down, they go here, it's like, it's like they have a brain of their own, which they probably do. And the AI technology that we've been working on, so my point is, they're looking for something. And they have the proper equipment. So we should not be, I think one, we shouldn't be afraid of it because if the technology is working, it's working to protect the American people and to discover and trace down where, what is happening.

Who has this? And there has to be some information out there. This would not be happening. I mean, they shut down an airport in Ohio because there were so many drones over top of that particular airport. Now, why do you put drones over an airport? Well, you look for private planes, which are coming in right now.

I'm going to say something, and I hope some of the military guys will hear me on this because my dad was a man of God that had visions and dreams to the point. I'm going to be careful what I say, but it's true. I had been in hotel rooms when members of the FBI called him to ask him for a dream he had because he saw something that they knew.

And I'm going to say something publicly here. I don't think I've ever said publicly when President Bush was in office, President Bush was handed letters from me that my father had written about an assassination attempt on him. And the code word that, My dad got in this dream from the Lord was the name of the code word used by the Secret Service as a place he stayed during world meetings.

Nobody knew that. And I found that out through a friend of his. So in other words God has used that. Now, I want you to hear me for just a minute. I'm going to be careful here. Look for. If you're looking for something, look for a television truck with a satellite dish on it. Just remember this. If you're looking in New Jersey and looking in New York, it actually could be one that even has the letters of a well known network on it so there's no suspicion there.

And so it's going to be like, oh no, we're just out here taping because there's stuff inside of that. And this, this came, this came as a revelation over 20 years ago. And I feel like I just need to publicly say it now. So all of you that's in the intelligence community, one of the ways they're going to try, and my dad saw it being built in a barn.

So one of the ways they're going to try to do what they're going to do in the future is take a television truck, like a, like a satellite truck. And I'm going to say this, I'm gonna be very careful. And I just feel a quick need to say it, but be careful on New Year's. In the cities and be careful of any television truck that you see coming into those particular cities So in other words, it's not going to necessarily be a car.

It's not necessarily going to be a 18 wheeler but who would expect this, you know, I'm not going to name a network because I don't then they could take that wrong But let's say a major network and the satellite and the guys are got their cameras out and everything. It would be something that You just, just keep your eye on it.

That's what I'm going to say to the guys watching, but that's why you're having the activity. So for those living in the area, it's not something I would be running away from. It's not something I believe unless you're given an order to do it, or they're saying we need to clear out an area, then you need to listen, but I'm thankful.

I want to say this for our military, because we have great technology. Israel has tremendous technology, and this technology in the future may be something that's going to save lives. So I'm grateful for, you know, our intelligence. I know that higher up in D. C. there's, there is corruption there in some of our departments, but on the local level of our agencies, whether it be the FBI or local agencies, these are good men.

I know a lot of these men. They're good men. They're doing a job. They're fighting drugs. They're fighting a lot of things, and we hope they can continue to do that. Yeah. Perry, we got 15 seconds. Your book, how can people get your book? Go to perry stone.org. We have a whole library of things that they can, they can get prophetically.

That's just one of 'em, so we'd love to have them go to perry stone.org.

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Welcome back everybody. I'm here with our partner, John Richardson with the Richardson Nutrition Center, also known as the RNC. And so John, it is so great to have you back on here. For everybody who doesn't know, John just did a take five with me not long ago. And so definitely check that out on his glory.

me. But for today, John, I want to talk about, and you and I discussed this during our interview. That there are God given natural answers to all diseases as the scripture tells us and you are helping to promote some of those. So what do you want to tell our viewers about your amazing products and what they can find at the RNC?

Well, what I want to say is that God, in fact, has a natural answer to just about every disease known to man, but we just haven't discovered all of them. And sometimes when we discover them and they wipe out a huge industry At the same time, that's not looked at very well. So it all started back in the early 1970s when my father we had a cat named spooky who had gotten cancer.

And my dad had long studied lay a trill and apricot seeds, also known as B 17. And the cat was, was had a destiny of being doing chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. And actually would have had a six month lifespan anyway and been miserable. So my dad decided to try leotron or cat. The cat did great.

It survived and, and the cancer went away. Now, again, we don't promote anything we do as a, as a cure or anything like that or treatment for the cancer, but it's long since been known for, for millennia, maybe hundreds of years. That Laetrile and B17, if taken properly in the diet, allows your immune system to prevent the C word from ever attacking you.

We use that C word kind of, tongue in cheek because sometimes on some platforms, not on HisGlory's platform, but on some platforms, we get deleted if, if we mention the C word or we mention our, our RNC store. That sometimes that like the main one of some of the main sites it does that. So that means because they don't like the subject matter.

That means that we're on to something that something is really effective. And the book that kind of says it all is called. World Without Cancer by Gia McGriffin. This book was written and dedicated to my father, who, who was using Laetrile in his medical practice after he got our cat to have it go away.

He got his nurse's sister Charlotte Anderson, saved her life by giving her the Laetrile treatment. Actually saved her arm, saved her life. She was just sent home to die. And so Gia McGriffin wrote this book. My dad said, I need help. I need support from you, Ed, to show the world that That there is an answer and that it's working.

And so Ed wrote this book, it was actually originally in two, two different books. One, the first half of the book was all about the nutritional reasons why B 17 and apricot seeds work so great. And then the second half of the book is all about why big pharma, big medicine, and the people that make literally $2 trillion over the last 10 years will never want a, a natural cheap.

Answer to the C word. So that that, you know, that book kind of went on the marketplace and was out there and people were understanding it. But my dad was challenged to to write up his book called lay a trail case histories, the Richardson Cancer Clinic experience, and he documented 62 cases of people who went to a orthodox clinic in the beginning of their time and showed that they had cancer.

They went through my dad's therapy. for you know, sub 30 days, 45 days, sometimes six months and then went back to the same medical hospital afterwards and we're proven to be cancer free. Again, we can't talk about it as a cure or treatment for the cancer the C word, but we can say that if you're building up your immune system and you have this intrinsic substance called B 17, also known as amygdalin, it's found in apricot seeds, 20 milligrams per apricot seed.

So if you're eating three apricot seeds a day, you're getting C 17. 60 milligrams of amygdalin more than most people have in their diet. Matter of fact, my dad said it's about one milligram in the American diet. And the reason that it's such a small amount is because if you cook a water soluble vitamin, like vitamin B 17 or amygdalin, or when purified, it's called laetrile.

When you cook it in foods for 350 degrees for 15 minutes, you actually destroy the B 17. So most processed foods don't have any B 17 anymore. At the turn of the century, we used to eat millet bread and had lots of B 17 in it. But at, but by now we've switched everything over to wheat and wheat has lots of gluten in it, but zero B 17.

So that's And there's an increase in cancer, interestingly enough. Right. Since that time too. Well, well, over the last hundred years they've spent more and more money every year. There's another drive. We do a walk for cancer. We do the lighting, the candles and the bags for cancer and all that money gets collected by the American Cancer Society and our cancer rates go sky high.

That is because they're trying to tell us a cancer's caused by something or it's, or you catch it or it's in your genes. But let me tell you, God gave us the answer. And it's called B 17 or actually metabolic therapy, meaning that increasing someone's immune system by adding the proper you know, intrinsic things like enzymes, vitamin B 15, which is pangamic acid, which help helps oxygenate the blood, which is found in apricot seeds and also in brown rice and B 17.

With these. Items with these things in your diet. It seems from all proof that Ed Griffin could come up with or this Dr. Dr. Harold Manor, who I recently discovered this book. It's not even for sale on our website. So here folks is I'm showing you something today. That's not even available yet. Our website.

We're trying to find out how to do it. But he said. The story of research involving laetrile that dropped a bombshell on orthodoxy. Again, this was released in the 70s and Dr. Harold Manor was highly decorated. He had over 50 published studies. He was at Loyola Marymount University for 30 years and soon after he came up with this studies, all these studies about how laetrile worked with vitamin A, vitamin E.

Enzymes and laterals. It stopped 89 percent of the can't the breast tumors in laboratory mice. He said that it looks like it's gonna be the end of mastectomy forever. And so, oh, wow. Sadly, we still don't know about Dr. Harold Manor and another Dr. Harold Manor. Thing that was, was documented back in the 1970s was a study that was done at Sloan Kettering.

If you look at it, it's called, it's, this is called Second Opinion and it says laetrile at Sloan Kettering. It stopped the spread of cancer and they lied to us about it. This video, this documentary came out 10 years ago and was completely censored on YouTube. They completely knocked it off. It had 350, 000 views within a couple of weeks and it was knocked off and it's you can't find it unless you specifically search for it, you know, on the internet.

And so we found the producer, our mama bear that works with us at R. N. C. Store dot com found this and got him to allow us to put it on our website and we sell it. He had he had a warehouse full of DVDs because they had censored him so bad. So we helped support him. And it also, he allowed us in the link in the description of this video on our website, you can watch the video for free.

And it's, it actually will is mind bending. So a lot. Wow. That's amazing, John. And in addition to all of this and the research they can find from your, your dad's research and the books you just mentioned. You can also go to your website, and there's some incredible testimonials on there as well. And I can speak for myself after our last interview, John.

I actually have been taking the apricot seeds, and you know, I feel great. I really do. I told you this prior to recording today that I really feel amazing. So does my husband. He's been taking them, and so I definitely recommend it. But I also have a question for anybody watching that's not sure. So when you go to your website.

There's a couple different options. So if they want to get the B17, the laetrile, should they get just the raw apricot seeds or the capsules? Is there a difference? Can you tell everybody what their options are? Yeah, the different options are basically just different forms. It's like vitamin C can come in powder or in this capsule, but we have it purified with the highest strength is the 500 milligrams.

And then we have it in a, in a combination pack. We call it the big three the pro three, basically with, with B 17, pure B 17, the pro enzymes that your body needs to digest the outer shell of the thing you're worried about. And then the B 15, which actually is the blood. You can also just get in the seeds, what you're doing.

You're having a great success with seeds. That's the most reasonable and it's the most God given thing. We didn't, we don't change anything. We just purify it into the. to the pure B17, but you can get it in seeds. You can get it in seed powder. You can get it in apricot seed caps. We just basically squeeze the oil out, grind it up and put it into a little capsule.

And you can take it that way. So there's like my dad said, 100 to 200 milligrams a day of amygdala is what you wanted to do for just to be healthy. Don't wait till you jump off the bridge to ask God to give you a parachute. You know, take God's parachute now, you know. He says in Genesis 129, let, let the seed, but be thy food.

And it's actually directing us to eat more seeds. So when you're eating the watermelons, eat the watermelon seeds. When you're eating the apples, eat the apple seeds. Or if you want to make it easy, you can go to rncstore. com, use the HisGlory discount code that you'll find I'm sure below, and you can get a 10 percent discount and you can also support HisGlory.

But you can also do what God said and taking care of this temple by adding back these things that we've taken out and that we need in our, in our daily diet. Well, thank you, John. So much again. I recommend these products. I think they're amazing so far. So good for me. I love it. And so just God bless you.

Thank you for getting this information out. And once again, beautifully tying that back into scripture. And so just thank you for all the work you're doing and getting the word out about this. My pleasure. My pleasure. Absolutely. I'm very excited to be partnering with HisGlory. And we're so excited to have you, John.

And for everybody listening, be sure to head over to HisGlory. me. Check out our partners page today in the RNC store. Thank you so much for tuning in. God bless you and go in His. Shalom.

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