C-00 Agent William O'Neal's last and FULL interview! (1990) #William O'Neal

1 month ago

This is the full, unedited interview with Coon Agent, William O'Neal. History, the media and movies, gives us ONE and the only viewpoint that they want us to have of him, but if you have background knowledge of the events, the times and those involved AND you listen to him closely - you will find a few things to be TRUE, from his words - IF you listen!

You will find or realize that this man was an FBI deep cover agent, with car theft and being used by the FBI as a deep cover, paid informant was nothing more than his cover for having been an actual agent. How do we know? Just listen to how he makes sure to say that the FBI did not kill Fred Hampton - Chicago PD did. He also says WE a lot when mentioning the FBI. If he were merely an informant, he would say THEY, not WE. You will hear many WE references, which shows that he was not used.

You will also hear how he makes round about references to The Black Panther Party (at least as presented to him) were Communists with black power as cover for Communist teachings such as "Power to the PEOPLE," among others. These were not black power slogans nor were the BPP overtly pro-black. They called cops PIGS, but never devils or crackas. If you know, you know that they were Communists led by rich Communist Jews, as was the case with most black purported organizations. That is how they got financing and media coverage.

Also, O'neal feels proud of what he had done when you listen, which is in stark contrast to the bogus story about him having felt guilty for what he had done, which supposedly drove him to his demise. If he felt guilty, then why did it take him from 1969 to 1990 to supposedly take himself out? In this interview, you can hear the pride in his voice for having taken a dent out of US Communists.

This is why you never let anyone TELL you what an event was about. YOU analyze the facts, listen and read about the events on your own, then you will know the truth behind the madness.

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