Angel Attack - 01 - Evangelion Neon Genesis

2 months ago

(Read Description Below -more- Channel Context/Comment)
Evangelion Neon Genesis original TV series (English dub - on SBS for Australia)
"It's a secret organisation controlled by the UN."

Source: NLA

TBIW Comment: Over two decades ago I did watch this on TV once a week on SBS television, back when you couldn't skip back because you missed something, or couldn't find out what you missed if you were late to the show.
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A few years ago I was happy to see it come up for supposed 'Re-Broadcast'. It was going to be on NetFlix. But I don't do Pay-TV and had to go find it. My friend and I watched the beginnings of the NEW AGE Rendition; horrified to find it had gotten HollyWood corrupted.
We had both seen it years before. Both a bit horrified to find a Different Story where NetFlix had removed parts, and extended other parts with an English "Dub" that was NOT a translation, but a whole different story; by changing SEEMINGLY unimportant & obscure things.
This is the original 90's TV version; where the Dub is a Translation rather than an Abomination.
In 2023 I edited a Clip together from both versions; to demonstrate the Corruption of NetFlix and it's EVIL programming, using this TV series as an example.
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Evangelion Neon Genesis was transformed from a warning about the evil man is capable of, to a sort of FanFare FOR the devil BY NetFlix 2 decades after. That is what you find.

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