Apocalypto Convenient? With Richard Wolstencroft and Dr Brice Paix

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Where is the truth in all this? Fires happen, fires have always happened even before we learned to control them to cook our food and heat our cave.
So are these disasters the price of harnessing this chemical reaction?

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Or have some of us learned to use fire to accomplish goals once reserved for the Gods.
What would those goals be?
Interestingly, in this Instagram era, the real reporters, the people on the ground with their phones, are capturing the edge of truth in real-time.
The surface clues that yearn for deeper answers, of which none are coming, instead, the silence continues to dig a chasm between those with doubts and those who believe the TV never lies.
Sadly too, this chasm is filling with liquid, but it’s not rain, it’s tears.
Join Richard D Wosltencroft, and long time firefighter, Dr Bruce Paix as they share their thoughts.

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