MASSIVE New Hamas Escalation FLOORS Israel!

1 month ago

Right, so since the failure of yet another set of ceasefire talks, Hamas have resumed rocket fire into Israel from pretty much right under the IDF’s noses, returned to fighting the IDF on the ground in Gaza and they’ve done so to devastating effect, able to rebuild their numbers quickly from amongst the civilian populace whom Israel have given nothing left to live for. A catastrophic mistake on their part, because wherer they thought Hamas was a spent and beaten force, they are now demonstrating that not only have they still got the numbers, and the arms to fight Israel’s soldiers and beat them, but humiliating them at the same time when taking out Hamas in response to the events of October 7th was supposedly the primary goal, along with rescuing those hostages. In that Israel have failed most of all, though I don’t expect many people believe that hostage rescue was the main aim anymore.
Israel have razed Gaza to the ground from north to south, it looks like a scene of desolation straight out out of a post apocalyptic work of fiction, but it’s very much real and Hamas have continued to underline just how badly Israel have failed, to the point new ceasefire talks are garnering a very different response now.
Right, so the biggest story coming out of the Middle East as we came into the New Year was the news that Hamas had resumed rocket strikes on Israel, from Northern Gaza at that, the latest round of ceasefire talks going the way of the dodo as they always do when Benjamin Netanyahu is involved, the need to keep this war going to keep him in post as Prime Minister and not have the hard right thugs he’s in coalition with pull the plug on his government. We’ve seen this happen so many times over the last 16 months and it’s become news even in Israel itself that Netanyahu is to blame each and every time this happens, though perhaps a shift in that stance has now occurred and I’ll come onto that presently.
Where Hamas had made huge concessions in that latest round of ceasefire talks, agreeing to an ongoing Israeli presence, it still wasn’t good enough for Israel, their desire to maintain control of the Egyptian Gaza border in violation of peace accords between Egypt and Israel, a known tactic therefore for a cynic like me and I’m sure many of you, that this was a great excuse to collapse the talks again, nobody being able to agree to it and having held that border for a year now, little wonder it has prompted Egypt to beef up its defences on that border, to much Israeli complaining that they might get hurt if they try to invade! Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
But Hamas haven’t just begun attacking Israel again, they’ve maintained it too and it’s worth catching up on what exactly has been happening in Gaza, which has led to an apparent softening of Netanyahu’s stance regarding hostage exchanges and a ceasefire.
The biggest shock for Israel perhaps, aside from Hamas still having rockets to fire when they thought those capabilities had been removed, is where Hamas are shooting from, because pretty much all of the most recent Hamas attacks have been happening in northern Gaza where they have been pushing to ethnically cleanse the entire north. Arguably, it can be assumed therefore that where Israel is at its most heavy handed, what they’ve actually done is create the best recruitment grounds for Hamas, people more in danger, more desperate there, easier to recruit maybe, but it has also underlined just how incompetent the IDF has been, that in an area they thought they were cleansing, that they had so much control over movements of people, that not only were Hamas still present, but they’re still heavily armed there.
This has been borne out by 9 consecutive days of shelling by Hamas on the nearby Israeli settlements just north of the Gaza Strip, notably three shells aimed at the nearby city of Sderot, which previously came under regular Hamas shelling due to its close proximity to the Strip. Israel’s air defences, poor as they are now widely regarded, was only able to take out one of these rockets, with the other two striking in and near the city. Israeli outlet Israel Hayom carried out interviews there, an excerpt stating:
‘An Israeli mother of five, Hodaya, initiated an emergency campaign through parent groups to suspend school activities indefinitely.
“This reality is becoming intolerable,” she told Israel Hayom, vowing to lead efforts to halt educational activities until security conditions improve. “We have returned to a state of war; this reality is unbearable,” another resident told the Hebrew outlet.’
According to most recent estimates, Hamas are now estimated to number around 23,000 individuals in the Gaza Strip, arguably the greatest achievement Israel has managed, because this is what committing genocide from north to south in Gaza over 16 months has done, it has just been the biggest recruitment drive for Hamas going.
Over the course of the last week, aside from firing rockets at Sderot, they’ve also targeted the city of Netivot, with a Q18 missile, where was that hidden? Military convoys in Gaza itself have of course come under fire, with Hamas capable still, having the munitions to be able to take down tanks, having targeted these in what was left of the Jabalia district, the largest refugee camp in Gaza as it once was before people were turned out of it en masse, an area the IDF must have thought they completely controlled, before Hamas explosives were used to wreck their Merkavas, Hamas claiming to have destroyed 4 of them. Now to lose one to a group you supposedly had completely routed is careless, but to lose 4 though?
In another incident an Israeli Apache helicopter was attacked at another refugee camp, you do have to wonder about the IDF and their obsession with taking out refugees camps, are those with nothing at all, displaced and desperate your actual go to targets? If so, it’s no wonder Hamas are still going then is it? But this also exposes another Israeli failure, because even as Hamas re-emerged and began rocket fire again, Israel were claiming they were split and that their forces now were confined to the north and south of Gaza, but Al-Bureijj is in Deir-al-Balah, central Gaza, actually not all that far from that Netzarim Corridor Israel built across Gaza and still man and even here Hamas appear to be right under their noses.
Israel naturally have responded, with more airstrikes, another 28 Palestinians killed as they continue to attack indiscriminately, but such is the problem with not reaching an agreement to stop and a ceasefire that means something. Yet now there may have been a shift and it is allegedly Hamas that have put a new offer to Israel and Netanyahu might have been blindsided by it and actually could be forced to accept.
For the sake of getting a ceasefire over the line, Hamas have agreed to set aside at this point, issues of contention that remain unresolved in the talks.
One of these is the ongoing issue of that Gaza Egypt border. Hamas have said we’ll come back to it at a later date and Egypt, the ones being wronged by that Israeli occupation as well, have also agreed to let it lie for a time for the sake of a Gaza ceasefire. Another aspect put off for another day would be the full withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza, and as a result of making moves like this, it has put Israel and Hamas at the closest they’ve ever been to a ceasefire as several outlets have been saying, though this is largely by default. By putting off all the bits Netanyahu has stated he couldn’t agree to in effect, he’s backing into a corner to agree a ceasefire. This could go one of two ways. The less likely option, is that we get a ceasefire and I base that purely on the number of times we’ve been here before. If Antony Blinken turns up now for example, we know it’ll fail. The more likely scenario is that Netanyahu will be forced to find something else to find fault with to blow these talks as well, because the likes of Smotrich and Ben Gvir have clearly stated they’ll pull the plug on his government if there is a ceasefire. Again that’ll just expose Netanyahu as the dishonest broker he is.
Donald Trump has demanded a ceasefire before he becomes President again on the 20th, though he has very much been blaming Hamas all the way for that not being the case already, but a hint of which way this may go yet has come from Israel’s madman of a Defence Minister Israel Katz.
Complete destruction of Hamas is still the plan despite the complete failure to do so already according to Katz.
Israel Hayom have reported that Katz has directed the Israeli army to submit a plan for the complete defeat of Hamas in Gaza, with an emphasis placed on the point that this plan will proceed if the captives are not released by the time Donald Trump assumes office. This is not a point of negotiation, which is what you’re involved in again at this point, these are demands you can’t back up, but he doesn’t seem to care and the question is are his views in lockstep or out of lockstep with Netanyahu at this point, because Katz has dismissed discussions of political solutions for Gaza, saying that no Arab or international actor would assume responsibility for Gaza’s civilian management without the total collapse of Hamas. He is hellbent on their destruction despite 16 months of destroying every except them in Gaza and that includes their own hostages, Hamas having said those that were being held in the north, they can’t account for. It has not been in Hamas interests to harm them, they want prisoner exchanges, so that, if anything has happened to them, will be on Israel.
Which way do you reckon this will go? Do let me know in the comments.
Meanwhile, just to reinforce the depravity of Israel’s conduct in the Gaza Strip, a new study of death toll estimates published in the Lancet has made for shocking and sickening reading, the underestimation in the official figures due to missing people and the ongoing destruction of hospitals in Gaza making collating death toll data all the more difficult damns the blue and white genocidal apartheid state utterly. Get all the details of those shocking revelations in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch. Please do also hit like, share and subscribe to help support the channel as well and ensure you don’t miss out on new daily content, all very much appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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