The Fog = Wireless Sensor Networks

2 months ago

These videos are coming from a place of empathy from me in spite of the very negative name calling coming from other people who are /still/ hiding biosensors, wireless sensor networks, mesh networking and particulate modification of the atmosphere for geoengineering.
Due to the alleged video with TS/SCI and autonomous mentions of sigint and isr, I decided to do it /again/ in the hopes that those of you still calling me names, calling our community names, may want to reconsider.
Our community is one of the main reasons there is data out there at all. I am not going to tolerate the screeching harpies from cointel who want to argue about who believes in Jesus properly OR the physicists who are /lying/ about biophysics and our bioelectromagnetic algorithims FOR ISR.
This is another opportunity for education; with the warning that when you purposely listen to people who gaslight you, please do not blame those of us who do NOT gaslight you for YOUR lack of comprehension. We have warned you repeatedly that some of these people are PAID to gaslight you for perception management operations. We have also been working hard to educate in multiple formats for over 2 years so it would be appreciated if you could choose to discern and ask professionals you /do/ trust rather than resorting to fear mongering, name calling and being degenerate.
You ARE smart enough to understand how they are beam steering particulate at the molecular level. You are NOT stupid - they have been very busy making you feel inept and demoralized as part of /wartime strategy/.
We must come together and help one another learn and understand. If you do NOT like ME - NOBODY CARES. There are plenty of other folks out there to learn from. Please educate yourself, survive, thrive and may your perseverance inspire others.

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