CNN Contributor Goes Off The Rails, Curses At Trump Supporter!"

6 years ago

It all started to get heated when Dennard suggested having security clearances was “profitable” in Washington.

“Profitable, Paris? When I’m required to sit on an advisory board, let me ask you one question, how much do you think I’m paid to do that at the request of the U.S. Government? Give me one answer, and you’ve got ten seconds? How much,” Mudd demanded.

“I’ll ask you a question. How much are you paid for your contracting gig,” Dennard said.

“Answer the question,” a heated Mudd shouted back.

Then after a bit of shouting back and forth, Dennard insisted, “I’m not talking about your role with the federal government.”

“Zero. I get zero dollars from consulting companies that deal with the U.S. Government. Are we clear?” Mudd shouted.

“Well, I will be clear in saying that everybody in Washington, D.C. knows — if you don’t want to be honest about it, that’s on you, — but if you have a security clearance and you keep it, you get more money to have it,” Paris opined.

“We’re done, Jim. We’re done. Get out!” Mudd shouted. “Twenty-five years in the service and this is the shit I get.”

“It’s not your show. I’m staying right here,” Dennard said, before suggesting Mudd should not be “so defensive about this.”

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