Innocence: the First of Eight Dispensations

1 month ago

In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses the very first dispensation (spiritual economy) of God's will for Adam's race. About 6,000 years ago, at the beginning of time itself, God (Father Son/Jesus, and Holy Spirit) created pure, innocent, eternal Adam and Eve.

Many claim that Mankind has always experienced death, engaged in sin and violence, conflict and disease. But our Creator God clearly reveals in His Book, the Bible, that all these negative experiences of human life are not natural at all, but had a beginning. They began – were in fact directly caused by – the sin of Adam and Eve. Prior to the first sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve were in their initial created state of complete innocence, walking and fellowshipping with God in the Garden of Eden.

Do you believe what God plainly reveals to you in His book? Or are you succumbing to the temptation to believe men over God?

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