Near death experiences

2 months ago

NOTE: The timeline in which there was an invasion of sorts by Zeta and Draco fallen angelic race-lines, scheduled to occur between 2011-2013 was successfully prevented I by a Guardian Race from another Time Matrix called The Krystal RiVENUE CE Guardians.

Through the current and ongoing mechanics of the Krystal River Host FAIL-SAFE, our Aurora Earth is now a full-scale Ascension Planet, and its AL-Hum-Bhra Trans-Time Passages D-Span Gates are now, and will remain, permanently open for the next 900 Aurora Earth years. The Planetary Templar and Gate systems of our Aurora Ascension Earth are now under the full protectorate of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, and the fallen Gate Systems of Alpha-Omega and FAtaLE are now permanently closed, blocking any further "invasion from within or without" by the FAtaLE and those choosing the Paths of Fall Return.
Over the next 900 years Aurora Earth time, our Aurora Earth will become an "Inter- galactic Ascension Station" for many lifeforms and forms of consciousness whom will be seeking Final Kryst Host for evacuation from Toral-Rift-Falling Galaxies, such as our Milky Way Galaxy, its many Falling Solar Systems, such as our own. Many Kryst-HostingV lifeforms and consciousness will begin visiting and incarnating on our Aurora Ascension Earth, to progressively receive the Bio-Regenesis they will need to pass through the Al-Hum-Bhra Passages into thevarious D-Planes "Island Ascension Platforms" of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

During this period of 900 years of our Aurora E Ascension Earth being an "Inter-galactic Ascension Station", our Aurora Earth will undergo many changes, both in "coming and going" of its life and anity consciousness fields, to various slow-but-progressive geological adjustments the planetary body will engage as the still current "34-R same-spin-set Deathstar Merkaba Field" of the Net Earth aspect ofAurora Earth progressively heals and returns to an organic Krystic Merkaba "counter-spin-set".

From MED freedom Teachings Excerpt From MCEO Freedom Teachings

#death #dying #deathanddying #NDE

#Neardeathexperience #neardeath



#art #love

#life #dark















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